
Search Results for War Charles Jeanes

Meandering thoughtstreams, clouds in my coffee: A miscellany

Why I write A friend asked me about this column. What is the topic, theme, etc.? The best I could come up with, in summary of my intention: “I try to explore the question, ‘What is a good way to live, in these times and in this world?’  We are conscious of the magnitude of human and physical challenges in this moment. Our...

Beyond progress?

In the argument last column, I was still selling the typical narrative of our time, the story of progress in the West through democratic evolution and material science. The thesis is Progress. I see that this view, the perspective of modernity, is outmoded. Postmodernism now describes our mind and consciousness better than ...

Liberty, Libertarians, Liberals and Collective Society: Confusing I with We, me with us.

“Freedom is just another word for...”  ? No, I am not asking you to finish the lyric from Me and Bobby McGee. I am asking that we be clear about political liberalism, economic liberalization, and personal freedom. I want to argue that critics of the “neo-liberal agenda” of global capitalism are using words too loosely. ...

All about politics

“Politics is the art of the possible. This doesn’t mean politicians are artists, just artful and artificial.”      --   C. Jeanes This column will be all about politics, not about spiritual consciousness, religion, scientific materialism, nor any other of the abstract topics I have been troubling my readers about in more...

Humans: half-way beings, balancing our dual lives on both sides of the Phanos

To begin, and to keep my focus sharpened, I will quote what I set out last column as my goal: “My subject for next column is, can we look to “old-fashioned” mystery-teachings to lead us forward?   Can “return” to pagan or medieval astrology, kabbalah, alchemy or magick, work for us now? Does the East have spiritual truths to...

COMMENT: When a reader sends comments, I offer thorough response

I complained last column about a lack of comments left after my online columns, and behold, I got a critical response on March 11. I have to give this person my full attention. (I also got a comment of support from an acquaintance, but I will make my critic the point of departure for this column.) The critic’s main remark is...

The question of Job, or, why does bad happen?

Human beings should be treasured. Material is to be used. Our crises now all originate from one source – things are treasured, people are used. Very little commentary is posted after my columns. I do wonder if I am writing into a vacuum sometimes. But then, I have felt the same over a dozen years of broadcasting a program on...

If life is a mystery, uncertain and full of risk, then you are living it well

Pope Benedict is retiring. Nelson is national news for its dog-ban bylaw. Tornadoes and blizzards have hit eastern regions of the continent. A fired L. A. cop commits suicide after a murder spree. BC’s Legislature is back in session. The Grammies have been awarded. The Canucks had a streak of wins but just lost it. This, if...

Existential ego at the end of time

Humanity ascends from the realm of necessity to the realm of freedom– Friedrich Engels, in Socialism: Utopian and Scientific The meaning of Life is discovering our gift; the purpose is to give it away– chalkboard on Baker St. in Nelson My last column described the Baby Boomers at some length, so today I will sound off with ...

We are not the solution: we are the problem

Arc of the Cognizant XXI “What do you mean ‘we,’ Paleface?”  -- Tonto to the Lone Ranger By Charles Jeanes Oh, Canada. If ever there was a time for Canadians to take a prominent place in global affairs, it would seem to be now. But is the consciousness of our people up to this task? We have a very favourable ratio of population...

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