
Search Results for War Charles Jeanes

Christopher Hedges, greed, female emancipation...

 “Sometimes, the Light’s just shining on me, other times I can barely see…”                                                                    -- Grateful Dead, Truckin’  “…many of us know that a consumer culture based on corporate profit, limitless exploitation and the continued extraction of fossil fuels is doomed. …The...

Better and better, worse and worse. Simultaneously. And ever faster.

“…the new religion of material science … rules our mind, and this religion has a very, very bad god behind it. Certain patterns of thinking are now being induced electronically over the whole earth. …I don't think, as we are turning our forces now, that we're doing ourselves any good whatsoever. I feel rough times ahead.”...

Capitalists and Democrats in a world of materialists

"One can marry for love, or one can marry for money. The very fortunate marry for both.” -- Wm. Cobbett “There are two things in the world, power and love. No one has both.”  -- inscribed on a Roman monument To begin, one might want to read this essay by Richard Wolff. How to govern, and how to “make a living” Government and...

Professional sports. Not so sporting?

Play up, play up, and play the game!     -- Rudyard Kipling When the One Great Scorer comes to write beside your name, He writes not whether you won or lost, but how you played the game.                                                                 --  anonymous Sport and Life If you have never heard someone compare life ...

Scattered Thoughts among the scattered leaves

There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy, Horatio.  - Shakespeare’s Prince Hamlet November melancholy This month is always the least attractive to me personally: grey, cold, leaves stripped from trees and not yet warmed by the ambiance created by the holiday season. The marking...

What is a postmodern Mind? Ask Rob Ford

The twentieth century was the century of the Self, according to some historians of modern social and cultural studies. Freud and the psychologists dominated discourse on human mind; rampant ideologies infected the public opinion of modern nations, and international politics, until near the end of that century. But towards its...

The Number Forty

Forty days of flood, forty days in the wilderness, forty names of God…. In our tradition, 40 is a Big Deal. As a historian, I think our Western tradition is a big deal too. It has created the global cultural matrix wherein all other traditions now mix. I reference Western historical icons of culture in the name of this column,...

There is no Santa and no History. Expect neither presents nor lessons

“Those who do not know the past will repeat it.”       -- George Santayana “History does not repeat itself. People do.”               -- Voltaire “The chief practical use of history is to save us from plausible historical analogies.”                                                                                                ...

Thoughts in fits and starts

The way to ruin the American people is to give them everything they want. -- John Steinbeck The nobility of poverty I’m always hearing people extol the virtues of humanity when we are in a dire crisis, whether it is earthquake, flood, fire, famine, tsunami, or war. We are at our best when we have to help each other, because...

Just who do you think you are?

  “When your only tool is a hammer, you see nails everywhere.” attributed variously to: Mark Twain; Abraham Maslow; an anonymous rabbi. The twentieth century’s mark on the mind Historians of recent history have a rough consensus that the century that closed in 1999 witnessed the tremendous power of totalitarian ideologies –...

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