
Search Results for War Charles Jeanes

Pondering Gods, Giants, Trees, Wars ...

I used to walk like a giant on the land.Now I feel like a leaf floating in a stream.                      -- Neil Young Generals gathered in their masses, just like witches at black masses…                In the fields the bodies burning, as the war machine keeps turning.                                                          ...

Thoughts on Power-seekers, War, and Foreign Policy

Arc of the Cognizant LXXXVII The Wind’s Four Quarters “History does not repeat itself. But it rhymes.”  Mark Twain “History does not repeat itself. People do.”     Voltaire By Charles Jeanes Politics, War, Police, Leadership. The winds of current concern have blown me in four topic directions, not all of them related but each...

Love and War, and the Soul

When I sing about love and war I don’t really know what I’m sayin’ I’ve been in love and I’ve seen a lot of war I’ve seen a lot of people prayin’ --- and mostly they pray about love and war. Neil Young, “Love and War”   “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.                  Jesus,...

Notes from the Shadows: Remembering war, injustice, and other unreasonable aspects of human history

War and Remembrance, Feeling and Reasoning A month ago I wrote about Canada’s war in Afghanistan and concluded with a note that on November 11, I will be at the Nelson cenotaph protesting war. My theme on the radio program I’ve hosted for the last four seasons has been the history of war. During research for the show, I came...

Is war the father of us all?

War is the Father of us all.   – Herodotus, Greek historian, 5th C. BCE Study War No More.   – 1960's peace poster War is over, if you want it.     – John Lennon Forgive me Lord, I do so love it.  – General Patton, American Army War is the typical normal condition of humanity, not peace.  – James Hillman, psychologist Letters...

Engineering change in others and ourselves, while spirit and matter wage war for our being

“Don’t let another day go by, without the magic touch, embracing you, revealing you…  Change your mind.” – Neil Young. Change your Mind. It has become, almost without my noticing it, basic to my understanding of existence that matter and spirit are antitheses. They are “at war”. The Austrian oracle/ clairvoyant/ mystic, Rudolf...

Conscious people, step forward. The rest of you, stay in your herd, follow your shepherds.

Some readers might have stopped reading already, having seen the headline. The message is an insult; it is patronizing and arrogant and stinks with superior attitude. Who does Jeanes think he is? I could not agree more. The trouble is, everywhere I turn to find people thinking about the evolution of “more conscious humans”,...

Ego, Evil, Empire, and the Israeli-Iranian brink: Thoughts turn strange as war nears

“The strong do what they will, the weak do as they must.”  - Thucydides, c. 405 BCE, viewing Greek wars. I teach a history course entitled “Chosen Peoples”: ancient Israelites, pagans and Christians are the topic. With synchronistic wonder, a crisis has come upon us in the Middle East involving Iran/Persia and Israel/Judah....

Column: Historians and their consumers

“History will be kind to me for I intend to write it.” — Winston Churchill, historian, maker of historic events “People are trapped in history and history is trapped in them.” — James Baldwin Our minds and our living: thoughts that shape our characters The two epigraphs above frame the entire focus of my Arc […]

COLUMN: Human conscousness, under construction -- Part Four

Doing Good, Becoming Better, Following Leaders “I’ve lived my life at the exact half-way point between joy and rage, gratitude and dismay… I would think well of us if I’d never read a history book. Or read a newspaper. Or the comments sections of the Internet… “Is the world more terrible than beautiful? More beautiful than ...

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