
Search Results for War Charles Jeanes

A Brief History of Everything

Humans’ natural being, humans being natural My column title is a steal from the book title by Ken Wilber. Wilber is one of those writers I so much admire for their attempt to synthesize vast quantities of history and other data about the human condition, alongside Charles Eisenstein and William Irwin Thompson. This a very...

In the wake of Supreme decision on Aboriginal Title, BC land is better off in the hands of its First Nations

Matter is Spirit moving slow enough to be known with the five physical senses. White man builds huge fire, stands way back. Indian man builds small fire, stands close. When the White Men came, we welcomed them as guests. We treat guests with generous hospitality, knowing they are not here to stay. We are still waiting for...

Parallel realities

“Looking out upon the horrid ruin we seem to have made of the planet, in spite of the kind hearts and good intentions of the vast majority of human beings, it is hard to avoid the conclusion that some nefarious force has hijacked civilization, driving it towards ends that serve almost no one…  “Reasonable people can, depending...

Reality is not what it used to be

“When you become aware of this great law, then you become aware of how incredibly powerful you are, to be able to THINK your life into existence.” -- Rhonda Byrne, author, The Secret “We create reality with our minds. Consciousness makes the reality you live in. Thoughts are actions, and cause consequences in the material...

Nelson Development Politics and the Illusion of Progressivism

I begin by citing the conclusions to my own two most-recent columns. I think humans are changing, and so the issues may look very like issues that have been with us over the centuries – but they will be different because we are different. And the main reason for our difference from past humans is our technologies of information....

What makes a politician?

“Be the change you want to see.”             Mahatma Gandhi “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.”        J.F. Kennedy “The role of a statesman is to hear the god of history passing and take hold of his coattails on his way.”                        Otto von Bismarck “Political power...

Why have nation-states?

Colonies and Nations Two things happening in Canada now must move one to ask why Canada is. Immigration of alien cultures here is one, and Quebec sovereignty is the other, reason to ask: Why is there a jurisdiction, this political entity, called “Canada”? The historical answer comes most readily to me, with my background as...

West Kootenay elites and the collapse of civilization

A new study sponsored by Nasa's Goddard Space Flight Center has highlighted the prospect that global industrial civilisation could collapse in coming decades due to unsustainable resource exploitation and increasingly unequal wealth distribution. Noting that warnings of 'collapse' are often seen to be fringe or controversial,...

The Crimean Crisis, Immigrants in Canada, Rape Culture, and Canada’s Afghan Mission failures: Can these dots be connected?

Crimea Knock knock. Who’s there? Crimea. Crimea who? Crimea a river. Click. (phone is hung up.) Putin is knocking on Obama’s door… This was a Facebaook cartoon posted March 4. Clever joke. For me it says enough. Who told the USA it is the champion of global rights and the law of international politics? It seems to think that...

What is the Soul for? What were you born to do?

“...there’s no myth that holds our culture more firmly in its grip than that you are the result of your parent’s conditioning, just as you are the result of their bodies. That so permeates our thinking that we forget that our "calling" may have a completely different source. The soul may be responsible to a calling that is ...

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