

Checking the new routine for the fall- part 3

I have not mentioned much about animal proteins, such as red meat (pork and beef) and dairy.  These are inflammatory to the body and should be used only in small portions.  If you have any inflammation in the body, such as rheumatoid arthritis, joint or muscle pain, bursitis, tendonitis, colitis or any other “itis” (which...

REAL Food prepares for a real busy winter

So you’ve got your garden winter ready and put to bed for the season, the ground is freezing and is slowly and steadily being overtaken by snow. Now what to do? Start thinking about gardening again! At least, that's what the Rossland REAL Food Group thinks you should do. With an impressive list of off-season gardening events...

Second time's a charm for pesticide ban bylaw

  The City of Rossland took a big step this week towards becoming a pesticide-free community. The issue of developing a pesticide-banning bylaw came before council for the second time in the past seven months, this time in a motion from Councillor Kathy Moore. Whereas last time the motion fell in a deadlocked council, the...

Checking the New Routine for the Fall- Part 2

So, now we have laid a foundation, next we will discuss basic nutrients. When I ask what people eat during the day, one of the common problems is lack of consistent protein at each meal.  Three meals are extremely important, even if you are trying to lose weight, because it is the first meal that “starts the engines” in the...

Pesticide ban bylaw on the agenda for Monday night: Local Prevent Cancer Now rep calls for public support

Banning the use of pesticides in Rossland will be back on the City Council Agenda tonight. Councillor Kathy Moore will be speaking to her motion that Rossland ask city staff to develop a bylaw banning the use of pesticides in Rossland based around the bylaw Invermere put in place just over a year and a half ago.  Diana Daghofer...

Adult Gymnastics: Beating the Trail Resident Card program and getting in shape to boot

Every pre-season I make the same promise to myself: this year is going to be different. When the snow hits and the chairs start rounding the bull wheel, I’m going to be ready. My need for cardiovascular fitness, endurance, flexibility and strength training will be aligned via a realistic and attainable regime, the ultimate ...

Pesticide ban for Rossland back on the agenda

The war on pesticides is ramping up again in Rossland and council will once again have the opportunity to enact some type of pesticide ban bylaw at their next council meeting on November 8th.   Just shy of nine months ago, following a presentation to council by the Canadian Cancer Society and Prevent Cancer Now, city staff ...

Checking the new routine for the fall

September and October is usually times when everyone gets back into their routines, whether work, school or home. This a great time to see if you have established a good foundation for the winter months ahead. Let’s start at the base of health- sleep. It’s extremely important that everyone has at least 7-8 hours/night of...

It's time to pick and utilize that fall harvest!

Now that it’s fall, and this year already some cold nights, it’s time to start thinking about making your elderberry tincture. It’s perfect timing, since it seems like the first round of flu has happened with the kids going back to school.   Elderberry trees are thin, mid-sized trees that look almost like tall bushes that...

LETTER: Everyone deserves protection from pesticides

Dear editor,   As residents of this area, we believe everyone deserves to be protected from the health effects of pesticides, which have been linked to a multitude of illnesses including both adult and childhood cancers. It appears most residents of BC agree with us. A public consultation, conducted by the Government of British...

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