

ATAMANENKO: Genetically Engineered Salmon, not worth the risk to health or the environment

Aquabounty Technologies (AT), headquartered in the US, has genetically modified (GM) a faster growing Atlantic salmon by inserting a growth hormone gene from Chinook salmon and genetic material from the eel-like ocean pout. The company’s business plan is to produce genetically modified salmon eggs in Prince Edward Island...

Recent scandals show ongoing battle for Chinese food security

 A slew of food scandals have occurred in China in recent weeks, highlighting the country's ongoing challenge with maintaining levels of food safety.Most recently, a report on broadcaster CCTV2 revealed that a Shanghai producer of steamed buns (mantou) used contained dye and excessive amounts of artificial sweetener in the ...

How is your body doing? Get it tested and find out!

Many people come into the office with asthma/eczema/arthritis/heart disease and many other problems that they have been dealing with for many years.  Most of the options they have tried are not working or only work if they stay on the drug they have been prescribed.  So, one of the important questions they ask is “How can I...

NGSL race in Salmo: Tomorrow's ski stars...today

It was another fun weekend of racing for the Nancy Greene Skiers from Red Mountain Racers and other local clubs. Race 2 in the season found them in Salmo with great conditions, excellent course, and fine weather. Whitewater, as usual, had a very large team of enthusiastic racers. There were also teams from Summit Lake (Nakusp),...

Black Jack clobbers competition at Western Canadian Championships

The Blackjack Junior Racers had another big showing this past weekend at the Western Canadian Championships as they dominated the event taking home by far the most medals of any club involved. That continued success of the racing program along with record numbers at the club in general are solidifying Rossland’s reputation ...

Are 'cheap' vitamins actually more expensive?

I’d like to share some information with you to make it easier to decide which supplements to buy when you are faced with so many choices!  It also explains why certain supplements are more expensive than others.   Many people go into a store to buy vitamins, minerals or herbal supplements and are confused about which to buy. ...

Let us Discuss...Lettuce

I don’t really enjoy gardening, however I do it because I believe it’s the right thing to do. I believe in sustainable food sources, I believe in doing my part to make the planet a better place, I believe that locally grown fruits & veggies are the best thing for our bodies and the environment. I am also cheap. Putting ...

Toxic council procedure kills proposed pesticide bylaw

Rossland's proposed pesticide ban died another procedural death this week, in the rather (ahem) toxic environment of the city's first council meeting of the year, with the mayor roaring about “criminals” and councillor Jill Spearn so disgusted by proceedings that she briefly lost the ability to speak.   Monday's introduction...

Winter's here; time to think...Gardening?

Ahh, the perfect January day in Rossland. The new-fallen snow is sparkling in the brilliant winter sun; the air is just crisp enough to greet cheeks and noses with a kiss of cold; and the peacefulness of snow dampened sound set a scene that could be straight out of a holiday snow globe. What’s the first thought that comes to...

Tips to get back on track now that Christmas is over!

One of the areas I address, especially after the holiday season, is helping people get into a good routine again with eating and to try to lose those added pounds from the holidays. Here are a few tips to achieve that goal.Eat three full meals a day to keep the fire burning and burn off excess fatAlways eat breakfast. Whole...

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