

Deanne Steven, Tourism Rossland, a multi-coloured whiteboard and a look back a the year that was

Deanne Steven has a tough job. Her whiteboard, unlike my bare naked one, is full of multi-coloured dates, reminders, and to-dos.  On this Wednesday morning, it’s a good thing she’s an early riser and a self-described “morning person”; her get up and go attitude help offset my admittedly haggard early morning manners.   Deanne...

Community rallying to support a little Rossland ripper

We’re lucky in Rossland to enjoy wonderful lifestyles often centered around our recreational activities of choice in a beautiful location. Sometimes, however, unforeseen health troubles can stop us in our tracks. Luckily residents of the Golden City have a habit of rallying around those in need. Whether it's a hand pulling ...

Kootenay kids think big for contraption contest

Close your eyes and dream for a moment. Use your imagination to leap forward in time to 2050 and have a look around. Now ask yourself the question: what new technology or advancements in existing technology will we need to keep us healthy and safe by the mid-point of the century? In conjunction with the National Science and...

White attitudes at high altitudes: racism in early Rossland

With some recent content in the Telegraph regarding the rich cultural history of Rossland, it’s easy to see that we have a lot to celebrate in this town in terms of the different heritages that helped make this town what it is today. One can even say that Rossland is a microcosm of Canada’s multicultural mosaic. However, there...

Much Mo' Mo'vember: Cho'colate 'staches at the Mo'untain Nu'gget

 In late-breaking Mo’vember news, now anyone that missed the starter’s pistol for growing their mo’ in support of men’s health can still get in on the act.(Mo’vember, for those of you still in the dark, is a November-long commitment in which participating dudes grow a moustache and gather donations from their community to...

A helping hand to those in need: Touring Rossland's Food Bank

Poverty in a small town is a very easy thing to overlook when a pricey ski hill looms over everything or when high tech mountain bikes seem to outnumber the amount of cars whizzing down our streets. However, the bare fact is that Rossland is home to a lot of people who simply cannot make ends meet with their current means, ...

Determined skatepark association adding manpower and taking a new tack

In their continuing efforts to bring a decade-long dream of constructing a permanent skate park in Rossland to life, the Rossland Skatepark Association is gearing up for another campaign to nail down the location for the park. With their window of opportunity from the city getting smaller by the day, the group is revving up...

Hospice society forming?

After meeting with local Interior Health Authority staff members and learning that the IHA no longer has the resources to support grief counseling, a palliative care Social Worker, or perhaps even continuing to coordinate or train Hospice Volunteers, representatives of the Trail Area Hospice Committee felt that forming a...

Lui Joe: Uncovering Rossland's Chinese history

My little series of historic pieces about Rossland’s past has been quite the adventure to say the least because the research has been very revealing. Having done my share of essay writing and research projects while studying Classics in university (one of the quirks of a creative writing major was that it involved almost no...

The Movemberists - local feud for funds heats up

There is a movement afoot, a less than secretive fraternal order of men donating the combined powers of their upper lips to a cause. Self-sacrificing, self-effacing, they are putting their best faces forward and adorning the fleshy canvas below their septum with a mo’, a moustache, for one month. Solidarity in the furry face...

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