

Votes needed for outdoor skateboard project

The Nelson Skateboard Park is in fifth place in the Aviva Community Fund’s million-dollar question voting.As of Friday, the submission by the Kootenay Lake Outdoor Skatepark Society (KLOSPS) sat at 1,953 votes, around 1,300 behind the first place leader. With the next round of voting beginning last Monday, KLOSPS has begun ...

Bridging Washington and Redstone: Rossland's newest trail is completed

If you’ve ever wanted to wander in the woods or stroll along Rossland’s premier stream in the past you may well have been up Trail Creek without a paddle...er, trail. Since the completion of the tentatively-named Trail Creek Trail residents and dogs alike from the surrounding neighbourhoods have been enjoying the scenic...

A crime victim in Rossland? You're more likely to get hassled by a bear

Out of the underwhelming news story of the week file, RCMP recently presented Rossland City Council with crime statistics in our safe little mountain town for the first half of the year. Not surprisingly ,the numbers are low across the board and in all recorded categories but one, the incidences of reported crimes are down ...

REAL Food prepares for a real busy winter

So you’ve got your garden winter ready and put to bed for the season, the ground is freezing and is slowly and steadily being overtaken by snow. Now what to do? Start thinking about gardening again! At least, that's what the Rossland REAL Food Group thinks you should do. With an impressive list of off-season gardening events...

It’s Up to You, OK: The Allan Hotel Fire

Rossland sure has had its share of hot spots in the past.  One of them was the Allan Hotel, which stood where our Subway sandwich shop now stands. The Allan was built around the mid-1890s and until its complete destruction in 1978, it buzzed with a cafe, a beer parlour, and a supper club called the Loose Cabooze.  At some...

First peak at the backcountry's snow

The Nelson Daily staffConfidence is poor in the backcountry, according to the Canadian Avalanche Centre’s first forecast of the year.However, with few people venturing out the conditions in the backcountry right now remain a bit of a mystery, the CAC reported. There generally is a lack of snow in the region except for higher...

Logging stopped as Sinixt win injunction in court

By Timothy Schafer, The Nelson DailyA hotspot of environmental and political activity on Perry Ridge will now be cooled until the new year. The Sinixt Nation protest camp and blockade on Perry Ridge Forest Service Road will be dismantled after the aboriginal group was successful Monday afternoon in obtaining an injunction...

Whitewater takes new direction with Nelsonite Malysh in ski school director's chair

The Nelson Daily staffSki School goes new school at Whitewater Ski Resort this year with a revamp of the program and several new faces in the mix.Nelson born Brent Malysh has been named Whitewater’s new Snow School director, along with veteran local snowboarders Peter Velisek and Dano Slater — Big Mountain competitors, judges...

What to do about the museum's mine tour? The reccomendations are in

At Monday night’s city council meeting, Museum Select Committee Chair Bill Profili, presented the committee’s final report stemming from the October 2009 incident at the mine (referred to in the report as an adit) involving three exchange students attending Rossland Secondary School. The report recommends that the City of...

Remembrance Day: Our naval namesakes

This Remembrance Day, it's interesting to reflect that, once upon a time, the Mountain Kingdom had a navel vessel named after it: the HMCS Rossland. She was a Llewellyn-class minesweeper commissioned in 1944 and had a crew of 23, including three officers. Her pennant number was J-538 and she was pretty small, measuring 36.3m...

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