

COMMENT: Child Care Month

No parent would expect a 13 month old child to simply get up and run around. We do not expect children to walk, swim, skate, or ride a bike without nurturing assistance, encouragement and guidance from adults. We support and guide our children in their physical development as they learn to crawl, take their first step, and ...

COMMENT: What ails B.C.'s democracy?

Trivia time: who was the last leader of the BC NDP to lead his party to more than 45 per cent of the popular vote in a provincial election? One would have to go back six leaders and eight elections to 1979 when Dave Barrett won 45.99 per cent of the popular vote and still lost the election to Bill Bennett and the Social Credit...

Liberals narrow margin on NDP says Ipsos Reid poll

An Ipsos Reid poll taken in the days following the leaders’ debate shows positive movement for both the BC Liberals and leader Christy Clark. The NDP lead among decided voters has fallen from 19 points at the start of the campaign to 10 points today. And Adrian Dix’s lead over Christy Clark as Best Premier […]

Who Really Owns City Hall? 8: Legitimizing democracy

The topics explored and debated in the preceding seven Who Really Owns City Hall columns were not concerned with the powers and responsibilities delegated by the Yukon’s Legislative Assembly to communities under section 18(1)(e) of the Yukon Act. Some provinces have delegated more and different responsibilities to their...

Nanaimo cuts place patients at risk says BCNU

Nurses on Vancouver Island are demanding an immediate halt to a plan to cut nurses at Nanaimo Regional General Hospital because it puts patients’ safety at risk.   The Vancouver Island Health Authority scheme would eliminate a total of 26 nurses – both Registered Nurses and Licensed Practical Nurses – from teams providing bedside care […]

All about politics

“Politics is the art of the possible. This doesn’t mean politicians are artists, just artful and artificial.”      --   C. Jeanes This column will be all about politics, not about spiritual consciousness, religion, scientific materialism, nor any other of the abstract topics I have been troubling my readers about in more...

TELUS warning customers about vacation phone scam

TELUS is warning its customers about a sudden and significant increase in the volume of vacation scam calls to B.C. and Alberta residents. When someone picks up the scam call a recorded voice thanks them for choosing TELUS and that the company is giving you a free vacation for being a good customer. If you […]

COMMENT: Spinning out of control?

 It can hardly come as a surprise to anyone that governments – like corporations – employ spin to portray their actions in the best possible light (and to cast their opponents in the worst possible light). Nor is it news that many corporations – and the PR companies they employ – operate a revolving door for helpful politicians....

Income tax only a portion of our total tax bill

Charles Lammam and Milagros Palacios, The Fraser Institute Unless analyzing tax policy is part of your day job, you likely avoid thinking about what ultimately can be a polarizing topic. But with the deadline for filing our income tax returns around the corner, we’re all forced to at least temporarily think about taxes. The deadline […]

COMMENT: Election

Once every four years citizens are offered a brief reprieve from the responsibility of endless decisions about matters concerning their kids, their homes, and their work; of just getting along and making ends meet. Once every four years we are inundated with propaganda telling us that all the problems associated with the...

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