

Moping over mocha: feeling the food price pinch

Lately, I have been with a couple of people while they’ve filled their gas tanks, and I couldn’t help but get a physical pain somewhere in my body when I saw how much they paid. Even my dad’s little Subaru, though fairly fuel-efficient, costs more to fill than my weekly grocery budget--and I won’t even go into how much a...

No joy in Nakusp, but still plenty of pride

By Bruce FuhrThe Nelson DailyThere’s no joy today in Nakuspville. Or is there?Despite failing to make the top ten in the 2011 Kraft Hockeyville contest, there remains nothing but “pride” in the town of 1800.“(While) I’m a bit disappointed that we didn't make it farther in the end, (Kraft Hockeyville) brought the community out...

Tales & Legends of the Mountain Kingdom: The love and death of Father Pat

There are so many legendary personalities and characters in Rossland’s early history: it’s an amateur historian’s delight. A lot of the information makes great reading, especially when you get to fill in the blanks with your own imagination. One person who certainly deserves the title of “legend” in these parts is Rossland’s...

Kumar v. Charlton: City engages in internal bickering

City administrator Victor Kumar will not be getting fired this week, but it's not for lack of trying on the part of long-time city councillor Laurie Charlton.   A motion to terminate Kumar's employment contract, tabled by Charlton, died immediately for lack of a seconder at Monday night's council meeting, marking a new low-water...

Local generosity challenges some myths about Canadian perceptions of poverty

Yesterday, the Salvation Army launched its new Dignity Project with an Angus Reid study it had commissioned about public perceptions of poverty in Canada. The research done by the famous pollsters revealed some interesting statistics and a few shocking myths, including the following:   Nearly 50 percent of Canadians feel that...

Ode to Pancake Tuesday

A recent conversation with my father went something like this:<?xml:namespace prefix = o /> Me: Dad! Guess what next Tuesday is? Dad: What? It’s the 8th. Me: Yes, but guess what day it is? Dad: What? Me: It’s Pancake Tuesday! Dad: So we’re having a dinner, then. Me: You bet!  Can you bring sausages or what? As I said ...

What is the state of Rossland's business community and how do we improve it? New project aims to answer questions

There is lots of talk and lots of assumptions as to what the trick (or tricks) to boosting business in Rossland might be. There’s a perceived need to both solidify existing businesses as well as attract new ones. With lots of ideas out there, the Rossland Chamber of Commerce is currently collaborating with the Sustainability...

Seedy people set to gather at Miners Hall

With all of the genetic engineering feats of late designed to boost agricultural production, one group of seedy locals will be getting together this weekend to prove that they can achieve better results--naturally. Rather than Frankenstein-like projects doing everything from merging trout genes with wheat to develop frost-resistant...

The changing face of schooling. Rosslanders hear from two successful small town K-12 school

On Tuesday evening, just over 80 people took to the RSS Gym bleachers for Round One of a scheduled two round fight this week to maintain K-12 education in Rossland. Local parents, teachers, residents and supporters as well as special guests from Kaslo and Crawford Bay schools were on hand to cheer on the efforts of the...

Next up: the NDP title fight. Is Horgan the 'Happiest Warrior?'

John Horgan has set himself a heavy task. The committed, candid NDP leadership candidate is determined to convince a politics-weary B.C. populace that policy debate in this province can be a little less mean, and a lot more meaningful. Arrogance makes for bad government, Horgan declared from local MLA Katrine Conroy's Castlegar...

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