OP/ED: One Mom's job action in support of teachers
All of the recent job action talk lately has me really feeling terrible for our teachers. I don’t know a whole lot about the politics of it all but I do know that teaching is HARD! I cannot imagine what it must be like to have to sit in a room with 30-plus children all […]
Atamanenko Concerned About Proposed Changes to Meat Inspection Regulations
New Democrat MP, Alex Atamanenko (BC southern Interior) is appalled by the reckless changes to Meat Inspection Regulations (MIR) being proposed by the Conservative government that will leave Canadians wondering if the meat they buy is actually safe. Private inspectors, who may not be qualified, would now be able to inspect ...
COMMENT: TRIUMF Lab helps make case for electoral finance reform
Who would ever have thought that a single political donor could have disclosed so much about the sorry state of affairs surrounding money and politics in B.C. In what they now call a “learning experience,” TRIUMF – Canada's nuclear physics laboratory located at the University of British Columbia – finally acknowledged last ...
MP Atamanenko urges government to uphold ban on oil tanker traffic
Forty years ago, the Canadian government introduced a moratorium banning oil tankers from the north and central coast of British Columbia. Now with hearings taking place into the Enbridge Northern Gateway project, Alex Atamanenko, Member of Parliament for BC Southern Interior, is urging the federal government to uphold that...
OUT OF LEFT FIELD: And you thought the hospital closure was scary ...
Anyone made uneasy by the temporary closure of Castlegar’s hospital in February and the lack of ambulance coverage in Castlegar over the holidays is going to be delighted with this latest bombshell from B.C. Ambulance Services (BCAS) – I was so horrified by what I learned here that I feel obligated to write about it […]
B.C. teachers vote 'yes' for Bill 22 opposition strategy
Ed Note: The following is a press release issued by the B.C. Teachers’ Federation A decisive 73 per cent of teachers have voted in favour of a resistance strategy to oppose Bill 22, the controversial Education Improvement Act. In a province-wide vote conducted April 17–19, a total of 21,625 teachers voted yes and 7,846 voted […]
Canadian swordfish eco-certified despite deaths of endangered sea turtles and sharks
Despite strong opposition from conservation organizations, the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) has granted eco-certification to Nova Scotia’s swordfish longline fishery which is responsible for killing 35,000 sharks and 200-500 endangered sea turtles each year as ‘bycatch’. According to yesterday’s announcement by the MSC,...
LETTER: Not everyone thrilled about Rick Hansen's visit
Dear Rick Hansen: I hope that during your next 25 years of raising money for spinal cord research (SCR) we will see the end of inhumane, scientifically fallacious spinal cord experiments on animals. It was 25 years ago when Lifeforce, a Vancouver based ecology and animal rights organization, gave you extensive data about the failure […]
MP says Tories wiping out rural services
Southern Interior MP Alex Atamanenko says he was dismayed to hear the news that the Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) office in Kelowna is slated for closure earlier today. “The Conservatives are dismantling Canada piece by piece,” he said. “This will result in a critical reduction in services related to citizenship and immigration matters for […]
OP/ED: Government money paying back for misdirected regulations
First you shut down an industry then you build it back up with subsidies. Sound like Pierre Trudeau? Think again. This is Conservative MP Dan Albas we’re talking about. Albas is taking the credit for a whopping $240,000 handout from the federal government to a community group who’re setting up a mobile abattoir in the Grand Forks area. […]