

COMMENT: A Local Perspective on the Canadian Childcare Crisis

A report issued late last week by UNICEF on early childhood education in economically advanced countries announced that Canada, of the 25 nations involved, was tied for last place with Ireland when it comes to supporting child care. This news, for people not intimately involved in the child care industry or without young...

EDITORIAL Recycling: More Questions Than Answers

As Rossland ponders the future of its recycling program, it’s worth giving some thought to the options under consideration and to the nature of recycling itself. According to the Telegraph’s poll this week, Rosslanders appear united on one thing: they want to keep curbside collection. Eighty two percent of respondents want ...

EDITORIAL: A Pro-Rogue Indeed

Stephen Harper can no longer be Prime Minister. Even though Governor-General Michaelle Jean has allowed Harper to prorouge parliament until January 26, when his government must table a budget, he has lost the moral right to lead our nation. When Harper went on television last night and tried to insist that his government was...

Guest Editorial: Child Poverty and Olympic Dreams in BC

As the international press learns this week how much it will cost them to cover the 2010 Winter Games, many activists hope to apprise them of how much they believe the Olympics are costing British Columbians. A three-day world press briefing began on Tuesday, which will see over 200 members of the media tour Olympic venues,...

Editorial: Rossland Telegraph Supports K-12 in Rossland

Rossland is at a crossroads. In uncertain economic times, and with our population dwindling (and our school-age population dwindling more quickly) we need to do everything we can to shore up the pillars of our community if we’re to survive in the long haul. One of those pillars, an essential one, we believe, is Rossland...

Editorial: Earning Our Whinge Wings

Have you ever wondered where we’d be without the right to complain? Here in Canada we’re fortunate enough to be able to take for granted our right to moan about food in a restaurant or roll our eyes at slow service at the grocery store. But let’s take a moment now and think of the unfortunate millions who live under the yoke...

Editorial: Make Your Voice Heard

Even as a kind of cosmic alignment seems to be occurring south of the border something similar may be taking place here in tiny Rossland. In the United States, the threat of economic and ecological collapse are being countered by the choice of a new president, Barack Hussein Obama, who represents a progressive, deracinated ...

Clarification: Striking Down of the Referendum Bylaw

Given the large circulation Mr. Carrel’s letter on the 2005 striking down of Rossland's referendum bylaw is currently experiencing, by email as well as through the medium of this newspaper, we thought it important to publish the following clarifying information, which comes directly from city archives. According to the minutes...

Editorial: How Many to Vote For?

It happens to me every three years, and it probably happens to you too. People come up to me around election time and say, “I really like candidates Tom, Dick, and Mary, but I don’t know much about the others—although I’ll never vote for that dastardly Brunhilde in a million years!” Then they pause and add, “But I don’t know...

Letter to the Editor: Improving Council's Communications With Residents

Dear Editor, During the all candidates forum, most folks at the front had something to say about improving council's communications with residents. I would like to suggest the debate surrounding the future development in Pinewood would be a good example of where council could start being proactive in their outreach. While...

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