

LETTER: Atamanenko replies to Yelich

Dear Editor: It is with interest that I read the comments of Minister Lynne Yelich in regard to my statement on the budget.  Rather than reiterate what I had originally said, I would like to make a few other comments.  It is certainly reassuring that Western Diversification will continue to provide effective programs.  However,...

EDITORIAL: Going with the flow

 They say there's no surer sign of nothing much to say than talking about the weather. Yet here I am! Living as we do in BC's second highest elevation city, Rosslanders are, or should be, pretty accustomed to unusual weather. This week, however, I found myself the recipient of winter bashing venom on several different occasions...

Out There: Soulful, sunny and serene. Nature's symphony provides the soundtrack to some May 2-4 turns

Victoria Day long weekend. The May two-four. The unofficial start of summer. Cottages are opened, tent trailers are pulled out and RV’s take to the highway. It’s really the first great escape of the year for many Canadians; The first chance to truly shed the shackles of hibernation and re-emerge into the outdoors.   A timely...

EDITORIAL: Affordable housing rises to the forefront.Which path will we go down?

 If you've had a quick scan of the Telegraph over the last couple of weeks you may have noticed that there has been a background theme that keeps popping up in different forms and different fashions. There seems to be a growing critical mass of awareness, desire and action centred around affordable housing. But there are...

QUNFUZ: Some shock, no awe

 picture by Ali FarzatBy last Friday, if it hadn’t already done so, the Syrian regime effectively declared war on its own people, killing at least a hundred protestors. Throughout this week parts of Syria have fallen under outright siege.The tanks and infantry which haven’t peeped across the occupied Golan since 1973 entered...

Mentally Interesting, Part 1: The access to services edition

After a lot of thought and weighing of pros and cons, I decided to write this article - hopefully one in a series - about an issue very close to my heart. Living in a small town such as this one means there is a certain amount of risk in revealing a personal issue to the public, but at the same time, I don’t feel I have a lot...

EDITORIAL: You support me and I'll support you back

 Anyone who has had the chance to sit through something like this past Monday’s School Board meeting, could never, with any good conscience, vote for a political party that has a history of cutting school funding then gives tax cuts to the wealthy and big corporations of the world. It’s painful to watch committed community ...

EDITORIAL: Choice without information does not equal democracy

Democracy: government for and by the people. It's a novel concept, that the people directly affected by the actions of a government can or should have a say in the decision making process. In parts of the world right now people are willing to sacrifice their lives to gain democracy. Indeed, the notion of people having even ...

March 2011 is for the dogs, as are Mother Nature and groundhogs

I usually look forward to March, but I have to say this month has been hideous. I am beginning to think that Mother Nature is playing head games with us and that Groundhog Day should be banned. It’s been over six weeks since those rodents indicated to us that winter would last another six weeks, so their predictions are an ...

Out There: Pecking Along the Crowsnest

I do enjoy a good road trip. Getting out of Dodge is not only good for the soul every so often, but changes of scenery and the sense of adventure I get on the road is always rejuvenating and inspiring. I do most road-tripping with my dad, since he’s the one that has the vehicle, and we both like stopping along the way to our...

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