

Climate Change Info Centralized Online

There’s a new online source for people seeking easy-to-understand information on climate change specific to communities throughout the Columbia Basin and Boundary regions. The Columbia Basin Climate Source website—basinclimatesource.ca— was initiated by Columbia Basin Trust and developed by Selkirk College’s Applied Research...

Column: Our biodiversity crisis -- connecting the dots

The polar bear has become the poster child for climate change impacts in the Arctic. Sea ice, which the bears depend on for hunting, is melting at an ever-expanding rate. For other species, climate impacts are not as direct. The 2019 State of Canada’s Birds report found aerial insectivores like swifts, swallows and nightjars...

Energy Specialist Targets Carbon Emissions in the RDKB

The Regional District of Kootenay Boundary has hired a new Senior Energy Specialist. Freya Phillips hails from Rossland via the United Kingdom and Australia and arrived at the RDKB Trail office on August 12. In a scant few weeks, she has established relationships with other local government energy specialists in the Central...

Column: What if the children could vote?

Young people have been speaking out for their rights. Many are wise beyond their years. Without the blinkers of ideology, workaday priorities and ingrained values, they can see clearly what’s happening. They’ve had to step up for their own futures because too few of their elders are willing to accept that rampant consumerism...

Editorial UPDATE: Elections Canada has not lost its marbles after all, and we're relieved.

UPDATE:  Canada's Chief Electoral Officer, Stephane Perrault, issued a public statement today, clarifying that environmental groups can say "whatever they want" during the election period, subject to the usual rules. There had been a rash of reports and opinion pieces, including this one, and a fine piece in The Beaverton, ...

Mayor Kathy Moore's letter to Minister Heyman about Jumbo

August 12, 2019 Dear Minister Heyman, On behalf of the City of Rossland’s council, I am writing to you to express our support for dissolving the Jumbo Glacier Resort Municipality. The recent Court of Appeals ruling stating that no significant progress has been made on the development has given the Province a golden opportunity...

Column: Land use, agriculture crucial

Land and agriculture are critical components in the climate crisis. According to a new Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report, land use — including agriculture and forestry — accounts for 23 per cent of human greenhouse gas emissions, while “natural land processes absorb carbon dioxide equivalent to almost a third...

Column -- From the Hill: Wealth inequality and tax loopholes

This morning I read that the CEO of Air Canada had just cashed in his stock options for $52.7 million—and this is on top of his regular salary of $10.5 million and a guaranteed company pension of $750,000 per year.  Now, that pay rate is ridiculous enough, but do you know that he will only pay half the regular income tax on...

Opinion: Green party Candidate Tara Howse on Climate Change and Energy

With the recent evacuation alert issued for those near the Eagle Bluff wildfire, Green Party candidate Tara Howse expresses her concerns and well-wishes to those families affected and considers the role of the federal government to address the roots of these events: climate change and energy production. “By 2030, it is estimated...

Column: 'We no longer have time to piss around.'

No amount of evidence is ever enough to convince climate science deniers — including the politicians among them. But new studies and observations should at least persuade those who profess to understand global heating but appear not to grasp its severity that it’s time to start deploying the many available solutions. We’ve ...

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