

Rossland offers school district a deal to maintain K-12 in the community

Council was divided 4-3 last week in their decision to offer School District No. 20 (SD20) $140,000 per year for three years in exchange for K-12 and respite from the threat of school closures for at least five years—but SD20 hasn't indicated it will bite, and any deal with the school district will be put to a referendum...

UPDATED: Missing 16-year-old found

The following is a press release issued by police on April 19:   Further to the media release sent out yesterday, Zachary Knodel was located late last night. Knodel did end up going to a family members house in the lower mainland. Police will be requesting Ministry of Children and Families follow up the child and parent. The...

Health gap in B.C. widening, says Health Council

People in the least well‐off areas of British Columbia are dying sooner than those in better‐off areas, according to new figures from the Health Officers Council of BC. Overall life expectancy in BC has improved, but in less affluent areas of the province life expectancy has remained much the same or even declined. In an...

COMMENT: Clark’s pitch ignores reality

For a while, I was wondering whether Christy Clark and her supporters realized THEY were in government, not opposition! They all spent much of the Liberals’ half-hour paid advertisement on Global TV Sunday night warning against the evils of deficits and debt: BC NEEDS a balanced budget “for our kids”; BC should NOT leave those...

Humans: half-way beings, balancing our dual lives on both sides of the Phanos

To begin, and to keep my focus sharpened, I will quote what I set out last column as my goal: “My subject for next column is, can we look to “old-fashioned” mystery-teachings to lead us forward?   Can “return” to pagan or medieval astrology, kabbalah, alchemy or magick, work for us now? Does the East have spiritual truths to...

Party your way to equitable politics?

The under 45 generation are getting tired of working and studying more, to have less. With rising home prices, cost of living, and incomparable wages, young people and their families are being squeezed of time, and income, and are being forced into crushing debt. On April 15 - 17, from 7 – 10 p.m. at Birchbank Golf Club...

COMMENT: How is the City going to pay for Columbia Avenue?

It appears the Columbia Avenue infrastructure project is going to cost a lot more than taxpayers were led to believe.  How the project will be paid for is another example of pathetic financial mismanagement on the part of the City.  In late December 2010, an Alternative Approval Process (AAP) was initiated to get authority ...

Council tackles issues of freedom and democracy

Council discussed three major democratic issues on Monday evening, from local issues of ongoing fallout from the arena scandal and questions of transparency in email communications, to an official council stand on the controversial Jumbo Resort development near Invermere, BC. Auditor General soon to pick her cases   Coun....

COUNCIL MISCELLANY: Rossland’s budget still not on the radar, Dog doo piled wide and deep, and Miners’ Hall facelift gets a nod

Did someone say budget? May 15 deadline fast approaches There’s still no sign of a budget discussion at council as the May 15 filing deadline for municipal financial plans approaches.   Coun. Kathy Moore said, "I'm agitated that it's now April and we haven't started any serious discussion on our budget."   She asked if there...

Koolaree AGM: Planning for camping

Thirty people in attendance at Camp Koolaree's Annual General Meeting on Saturday April 6 voted to do all they could to run camps at the Kootenay Lake facility this summer. Increasing the size of the board from five members to eight, the meeting adopted a budget designed to allow the camp to operate in the black, and developed...

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