

The Boundary Sentinel heads in a new direction

When life brings you change it is often hard to shift gears to meet the new direction you need to head. Most of you have seen the new style of the Boundary Sentinel that arrived last week. The new look comes with a shift in the Sentinel as a whole. After bringing the Sentinel to life three years ago, and nurturing the business...

Fourth Kootenay West candidate for provincial election from Trail

Things are getting interesting - a fourth candidate, independent Glen Byle from Trail, has thrown his hat into the ring for Kootenay West in the upcoming B.C. provincial election. Byle, a 26-year-old medical equipment repairman at KBRH, is also married and the father of a 10-month-old baby. "I am a young voter who never found...

COUNCIL MISCELLANY: More weight on municipal shoulders as towns hoist massive regional tax increase

"Downloading" was a hot topic at council on Monday evening as councillors lamented a large increase in the regional tax burden that will be foisted on residents when their property tax bills arrive this year. Coun. Jill Spearn started things off, asking Coun. Kathy Wallace for her comments on the hospital requisition of...

Council begins budget planning, and not a moment too soon

CAO Cecile Arnott brought her preliminary budget presentation to council's committee-of-the-whole (COW) on Tuesday afternoon, offering councillors a first taste of what the 2013 financial plan might look like when it gets passed before the May 15 filing deadline. The next budget COW meeting has been scheduled for May 1 at...

West Kootenay Traffic Services make appeal to public

With Spring here and summer just around the corner, the Nelson West Kootenay Traffic Services and Nelson Integrated Road Safety Unit would like to remind the motoring public of some very important vehicle safety features.   Since 1990, it has been mandatory for Canadian vehicles to have daytime running lights; these are the...

COMMENT: Shark Finning – An Immoral Practice

I recently had the opportunity to speak and offer support for Bill C-380, An Act to Amend the Fish Inspection Act and the Fisheries Act, which would prohibit the importation of shark fins not attached to the rest of the shark and enshrine in legislation Canada's prohibition on finning.  This bill was introduced by my colleague,...

Alex Atamanenko addresses Genetically Modified Alfalfa at the House of Commons

New Democratic Party member of parliament (MP) Alex Atamanenko made the following speech in the House of Commons, Friday April 19th. Mr. Speaker, last week a National Day of Action was held across Canada to stop Forage Genetics International from releasing Monsanto's genetically modified Roundup Ready alfalfa. I would like ...

Protect yourself, protect others, get immunized

In the last 50 years, immunization has saved more lives in Canada than any other health intervention.    April 20 to 27 isNational Immunization Awareness Week, and this year, Interior Health would like to remind you that we can all play an important role in stopping the spread of vaccine preventable diseases.  When most people...

Creating Caring Communities announces spring conference

The Creating Caring Communities Committee is pleased to announce their second annual spring conference, scheduled for May 2nd and 3rd at Selkirk College in Castlegar, BC.  The theme for this year’s conference, Keeping the Doors Open: New Beginnings for Creating Policy that Supports Marginalized Populations, features keynote...

COMMENT and ANALYSIS: The Final Word on Rossland's Budge the Budget DemocracySTORM

Well, Rossland, it's been a while coming: the final outcome of the "DemocracySTORM" on ways YOU felt our city should budge its budget. We asked three questions:   1) What should the City of Rossland spend MORE money on? 2) What should the City of Rossland spend LESS money on? 3) What other key points should council consider...

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