
Success for the Library, a change in TRP subsidy, little cabins coming to Granite, and more.

Sara Golling
By Sara Golling
March 13th, 2018

Regular Meeting of Rossland City Council, March 12, 2018

Immediately after the crowded Public Hearing, Council members – everyone was there except Councillor Aaron Cosbey — got down to business. First up was Public Input Period, and Council heard requests from some parents about funding for the TRP.  One request was that the level of funding be increased for 2018, since the amount budgeted last year was underutilized.


Terry van Horn and Bill van Beek of the Lower Columbia Initiatives Corporation  brought exciting news of progress during the past year, and noting that with new-job creation, the region needs to address housing and transportation issues.

Angela Price of Angela’s Place pleaded that her single business should not have to buy two business licenses, as she has recently had to do, just because it includes two buildings close together.

Recommendations from Staff for Council decision:        

              A motion to approve the fundraiser requests from the Rossland Skatepark Association that are within the power of the City to grant CARRIED;  Councillor Andy Morel suggested that RSA volunteers should help as much as possible with such things as constructing the stage.  Manager of Finance Elma Hamming explained that she has advised the RSA that, if they are unable to pay back their loan from the City in 2018, to be sure to talk to the City about their financial situation before the end of the year.


Motions to read each of the three bylaws up for discussion at the Public Hearing (see separate article) for a third time, and further motions to adopt the bylaws, all CARRIED – but Morel voted against  the zoning to permit cabins near Paradise Lodge.

On the hostel at Red, Councillor Marten Kruysse commented that the concerns raised by citizens about the hostel are all good ones, but that Thompson’s responses addressed them well.  Councillor Lloyd McLellan mentioned that the parking is a very important issue to resolve.

On the cabins near Paradise Lodge: Councillor Andrew Zwicker thinks it’s a good development, but would like to see a no-dogs zone and a no-smoking zone. McLellan said that he thinks it’s a good thing for the City, and Kruysse agreed. Morel opposed the plan because of the “substantial impact” on the area there and on bear habitat, and other wildlife; “For me, there’s already enough impact on the backcountry. I think the hostel is great, but I don’t want to see any more on-mountain development.”

Municipal Elections coming up this fall:

Motions to adopt the Election Officials bylaws also CARRIED unanimously.

A motion to appoint Shirley Rhodes as Chief Election Officer for conducting the 2018 general local elections, with power to appoint other election officials as required, CARRIED unanimously.

A further notion to appoint Alison Worsfold as Deputy Chief Election Officer for the 2018 general local elections CARRIED unanimously.

More short-term rentals on the way:

A motion to give first and second readings to a Zoning Amendment Bylaw for 2622 McLeod Avenue, to allow short-term rental of a 2-bedroom “coach house” suite, and to set a Public Hearing for April 9, 2018,  CARRIED unanimously.

A motion to give first and second readings to a Zoning Amendment Bylaw for 2593 Georgia Street, to allow short-term rental of a secondary suite, and to set a Public Hearing for April 9, 2018,  CARRIED unanimously.

Task List:

There have been 403 submissions on the cannabis bylaw, so far.

Request re TRP funding:  Kruysse regretted the lack of a coherent and well-informed policy to guide decision-making. McLellan said he thinks limiting it to 25% was a mistake, and moved to change it to 50% and to include the challenged and disabled; the motion CARRIED unanimously.

Mayor Kathy Moore had written a letter to Columbia Basin Trust in support of the Heritage Commission’s application for a financial assistance toward the Ross Thompson Monument, to be erected in Harry LeFevre Square.

A late letter from the Rossland Lions about seeking financial support for a project did not make it into the Council package, but Council needed more information and will ask the Lions to expand on their request; they will come to the next meeting as a delegation.

St. Andrews Church will be applying for funding to improve the premises in many ways – electrical, heating, and access; even including the retaining wall.  Moore said emphatically that she thought the City should definitely support the project in principle.  McLellan was concerned about the total cost of the project and how much financial liability the City would be taking on – so Moore suggested committing to supporting the project to the best of the City’s financial ability.  

Member Reports:

Morel reported some great news for Rossland: our Library board was successful in obtaining a grant of $81,000 from the Gas Tax fund, and will be able to continue with its renovation project. Plans are underway.

Council recessed to an in camera  session, and your reporter walked gingerly home on varied surfaces: compacted snow and ice, bare pavement, gravel-covered pavement, wet glass-smooth sloping ice, lumpy ice, ice mixed with blobs of gravel, and ice-glazed pavement, wondering when it might be time to plant peas, lettuce, onions, and broccoli, after a four-foot-thick blanket of snow disappears from the garden. Springtime in Rossland!

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