New-look Springboard Park in Salmo reopens to the public
Salmo Council and staff gathered for a ribbon-cutting Wednesday morning to formally reopen Springboard Park, a 17-plus acre natural forest area owned and maintained by the Village.
The opening comes after work was completed by staff over a four-month period to enhance the public safety and use of the trail by clearing it of danger trees and debris.
“Springboard Park is one of Salmo’s most valuable natural assets,” said Salmo Mayor Stephen White in a media release.
“We are very proud of our Village staff for making these improvements that not only enhance public safety, but also improve the trail experience.”
White said staff also built a manual post driver to install wooden posts with reflective markers throughout the almost one kilometer path. A new wooden sign was fabricated by the civic works foreman which marks the park’s entrance and trail route off of Bakken Road.
The Village began annual professional danger tree assessments on all municipal property in 2015. The assessment in 2016 included Springboard Park and resulted in the clearing of danger trees along the trail.
Phoenix Falling collaborated with the Village of Salmo in May to provide chainsaw training for the entire civic works crew. The cost of this training was offset by the use of Springboard Park as a training ground for civic workers throughout the region.
Finding such cost efficiencies and keeping the work in-house allowed the Village to complete this ambitious project for under $10,000.
Springboard Park is a majestic forest that displays the remains of Salmo’s early logging heritage.
Huge cedar stumps are reminders of the Valley’s former old growth forests, harvested near the turn of the century. There are still groves of huge cedar trees in this park. Springboard Park is also featured on the Village of Salmo’s new website under Recreation & Attractions.