New Hitching Posts for Dogs in Downtown Rossland
When a lunging dog knocked down and injured a Rossland Senior, City staff decided something had to be done, and have installed hitching posts for dogs in a variety of locations around town. People can now tie their dogs up to do brief errands in town — not for long-term stays — in places where pedestrians will not be at risk from excited or hostile dogs.
These “dog parking stations” are located:
· below Ferraro Foods, beside the loading bay;
· on the east side of City Hall;
· behind the BC Liquor Store (west of the parking lot);
· west of the Cold Beer and Wine Store, by the parking lot;
· in the green space east of the Library;
· in the walkway west of the Post Office.
Tails Pet Supply Store has also made a special dog parking station in the alley behind the store, with shade and water available for all visiting dogs.
The City cautions owners that dogs left too long in the downtown area may be taken to the SPCA, or the owner may be fined, or both.