
SURVEY: Is Rossland a family-friendly community?

By Contributor
August 29th, 2012

The Rossland Sustainability Commission is working with the Lower Columbia Family Action Network to identify services, amenities, resources and characteristics that make Rossland a family friendly town for both residents and visitors.

Whether you are a current or past parent, current or past resident, grandparent or concerned citizen,  we are interested in your input!  To provide your input, we would like you to answer three questions:

1. From your perspective,  what currently makes Rossland a family friendly community?

2. What could we do, as a community, to make Rossland more family friendly?

3. Is there anything else you’d like to share with us about Rossland as a family friendly community?

Please click on this link to provide your answers on-line.  Your answers will remain anonymous and will be combined with responses from other folks.


In the next two weeks,  participants will receive a second email with a summary of all responses from the community.  At this time, you will have an opportunity to tell us which of the responses are your top priority for action.

If you have questions about the Family Friendly Rossland project or the survey,  please contact Ann Damude,  Sustainability Commission Manager at adamude@telus.net

Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!


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