

Film screener gives primer and precursor to Occupy Nelson this Saturday

How did we get into this mess? SelfDesign High BYOP Film Series presents Inside Job screening and fundraiser in support of the Occupy Wall Street movement. The film Inside Job explains in detail the series of events that led up to the global financial crisis of 2008, which cost over $20 trillion dollars, and caused millions...

Nakusp groups take reins on turning around local economy

The idea of co-generation may be one of the pieces of the puzzle in the Nakusp region as several groups are beginning to grapple with the idea of righting the village’s listing economic ship. Although still in a draft report form, information and feedback has been gathered and recently released by a panel of local […]

Are you targeted by the IRS?

Since early July my riding office has been flooded with calls and letters from worried Canadians across the country seeking information and advice on the new enforcement Initiatives for filing US tax returns and reporting foreign bank accounts (FBARs).   Frequently the first question asked is, "Will I be affected by this?" ...

Kootenay Region team receives national Cancer Society award

A team of diverse partners in the Kootenay region taking action to reduce the cosmetic use of pesticides has been recognized with a prestigious national award from the Canadian Cancer Society.  The award, called the Circle of Distinction, recognizes team effort between Canadian Cancer Society volunteers and staff and their ...

Three years of study show Lake Windermere free of invasive, non-native aquatic plants

After three years of study, researchers have found no Eurasian water milfoil in Lake Windermere or Columbia Lake. Eurasian watermilfoil is notorious across North America for its ability to choke out aquatic habitat and cost governments millions of dollars to control. Its absence is a nice surprise for Rachel Darvill, Wildsight’s Columbia Headwaters program manager, […]

Flathead far from protected despite legislation: Conservation groups

Legislation to ban mining and energy development in B.C.’s Flathead River Valley is a welcome first step but the Flathead remains far from protected, conservation groups said today. “This legislation does not protect the Flathead from logging in a proposed National Park, trophy hunting, new road access and quarrying,” said Casey Brennan, Southern Rockies program […]

Energy improvements forthcoming in Edgewood's only 'significant' building

The Edgewood Community School will see $40,000 in energy improvements as the regional district strives to make the School District 10 building more energy efficient. Consulting engineers identified high efficiency air to water heat transfer system as a suitable heating, ventilation and air conditioning alternative for the school. The propane-fired radiant heat sources will be […]

MP introduces bill to ban horse meat for human consumption

 New Democrat Agriculture Critic Alex Atamanenko (BC southern Interior) has re-introduced a Private Members Bill that would effectively shut down the slaughtering of horses for human consumption in Canada.  “Since I first introduced this bill in the last Parliament, tens of thousands of Canadians have petitioned the government to legislate an end to this practice,” […]

RDCK establishes bylaw for three rural water systems in preparation for acquisition

Three rural regional district communities are on the road to improved water service after the regional district board of directors voted to establish water service area bylaws for their communities. Woodbury village, Rosebery Highlands and Grandview Properties all had service area bylaws established Sept. 27 by the Regional District of Central Kootenay board, as the […]

Krause basketball camp at Selkirk CANCELLED

Kootenay Basketball skipper Viv Kingdon has some bad news for youth hoopsters."We just received news that (Director of Men’s Basketball at Gonzaga University) Jerry Krause will not be able to attend the upcoming camp at Selkirk College," Kingdon said.Krause, who instructed last season during a camp at L.V. Rogers in Nelson ...

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