

Garden of Wisdom: The "Cabbage of Choice"

The “Cabbage of Choice” I’m not sure if it’s just our growing area, but Ladner has what I would describe as an abundantly healthy population of Small White butterflies. So many so, that most years I don’t even bother growing Brassicas. The butterfly (Pieris rapae), lays a single tiny yellow egg on the underside of a Brassica...

VIDEO: Kinder Morgan, Coal Ports could turn Vancouver into 'Carbon Corridor'

Check out this new video from the Wilderness Committee and Vancouver filmmaker Dan Pierce, titled "Save the Salish Sea: Protecting an Ecological Gem from Fossil Fuel Extraction." The 5 min film details the government and industry vision to transform Vancouver into a "carbon corridor" to export fossil fuels to new markets....

Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations balances the needs of patients with the safety and security of all Canadians

Editor, The Nelson Daily While the Courts have said Canadians must have reasonable access to a legal source of marihuana for medical purposes, the Government of Canada believes this must be done in a controlled fashion in order to protect public safety. On June 10, the Government of Canada announced the new Marihuana for...

Out of Left Field: Premier's response to Alberta flooding lukewarm at best

I was a little startled to read Premier Christy Clark's press release regarding Alberta flooding (see below) - there was no mention of flooding in B.C., no pledge of mutual assistance, nor any statement speaking to assistance already en route ... really, no information at all - I could've been more enlightened by a two-minute...

BC says no to Northern Gateway Pipeline

The following is a press release issued by the Environment Ministry: British Columbia has made its final written submission to the Northern Gateway Pipeline Joint Review Panel. In the submission, the province states that it cannot support the project as presented to the panel because Northern Gateway has been unable to address...

COMMENT: Can political polls be trusted?

[Editor's note: This piece was posted to the Common Sense Canadian just before Tuesday's election, but in the wake of the surprising results, it's more relevant now than then] Good thing most people don’t listen to the polls. If they did, they just might throw in their cards and give up. The clearest indication yet that...

COMMENT: Endbridge

On his return from an inspection trip to examine the results of the clean-up undertaken by Enbridge following an oil spill in Michigan, a Terrace municipal official was impressed with what he saw and experienced. He cautioned citizens to “dig into [the] facts who Enbridge is” when evaluating their proposal for the Northern ...

COMMENT: Child Care Month

No parent would expect a 13 month old child to simply get up and run around. We do not expect children to walk, swim, skate, or ride a bike without nurturing assistance, encouragement and guidance from adults. We support and guide our children in their physical development as they learn to crawl, take their first step, and ...

COMMENT: What ails B.C.'s democracy?

Trivia time: who was the last leader of the BC NDP to lead his party to more than 45 per cent of the popular vote in a provincial election? One would have to go back six leaders and eight elections to 1979 when Dave Barrett won 45.99 per cent of the popular vote and still lost the election to Bill Bennett and the Social Credit...

Who Really Owns City Hall? 8: Legitimizing democracy

The topics explored and debated in the preceding seven Who Really Owns City Hall columns were not concerned with the powers and responsibilities delegated by the Yukon’s Legislative Assembly to communities under section 18(1)(e) of the Yukon Act. Some provinces have delegated more and different responsibilities to their...

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