

New arrangement to benefit writing, publishing students at Selkirk College

A memorandum of understanding has been reached between Okanagan College, College of the Rockies, and Selkirk College that allows students to transfer directly into second year of the Writing and Publishing diploma program at Okanagan College. The initiative is part of the Southern Interior Writers’ Project — a joint undertaking which creates new and improved […]

Canadians prefer news online, but only for free

By Timothy Schafer, The Nelson Daily For those about to surf, we salute you. Cyber-surfing that is, as a new study is showing more Canadians are finding the Internet is their best bet when looking for a source of news. However, for those looking to cash in on the online dash, they had better offer […]

Lone Sheep Publishing is proud to present The 2011 West Kootenay All Candidates' Forum Series

The press is a strange hybrid—a private business, but one with an inherent duty to play a role in the proper functioning of democracy by ensuring the free flow of information and opinion. A core principle of Lone Sheep Publishing has always been its commitment to the facilitation of democracy and community. Well, it doesn't...

The brotherhood of the traveling cenotaph

In its headline story on Saturday November 12th, 1921, The Rossland Miner noted that “one of the most impressive ceremonies witnessed in the history of Rossland took place yesterday, when under the auspices of the local branch of the Great War Veterans of Canada, the beautiful War Memorial erected by the veterans and citizens...

Duplex or don’t-plex? Local developer takes a second crack at development

A duplex development proposal for the corner of 5th Avenue and St. Paul streets in Upper Rossland came back before city council this week after being denied six months ago--and brought along concerned neighbours with it. The usually quiet public input session prior to each regular council meeting brought out eight residents...

City not about to pay for water meter installations any time soon

A motion, introduced by Councilor Moore, charged up on the idea after attending CBT’s Water Smart forum last week, for the City to prepare a feasibility report on the City potentially paying for the installation of water meters and compensating people that have already installed was dead int the water after a 5-1 vote against...

Getting to know Alex Atamanenko: Musician, karate teacher and champion of behind-the-headlines issues

Coming into his second election as the incumbent after being first elected to parliament as part of the NDP party in 2006, Alex Atamanenko has a long and varied history as a person who has spent much of his life assisting others and bringing people together in many different forms, fashions and locations. Growing up […]

Local student places second in provincial Royal Canadian Legion contest

 Royal Canadian Legion representatives visited the RSS grade 6/7 students last week to deliver good news to Grade 6 student Allie Stanley.  Each year the Legion sponsors a Remembrance Day contest for students from grade one to twelve. Students can enter the literary and poster contest in one of four categories including colour...

Singing the Doggy Doo Wah Wah blues

Whether you like it, hate it, are grossed out by it or pitch in to help clean it up, there’s no denying that spring on Rossland’s trail system is dog poop season. A walk, cross country ski or bike out Centennial Trail and back this week has been an effort in land-mine dodging and breath holding as the warm weather, like an ...

Extra protection for Topping Creek, a bonus quarter million bucks for the city and financial books that check out

Riparian setbacks for Topping Creek increased Topping Creek, one of Rossland’s primary contributors to our drinking water supply gained an extra level of protection this week. Council passed third reading and adoption of an amendment to the Official Community Plan which will extend the riparian zone setback on Topping Creek...

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