Speeding, snow-flinging, and punching; just don't.
Reports from the RCMP: On January 11, a resident on Thompson Avenue was angered by the speed of a passing truck and tossed a shovelful of snow at the truck. The truck driver was angered by the snow thrown at his truck, and stopped to express his rage. The two men exchanged a few punches. The RCMP responded to a complaint ...
Do you know about the Snow Host program?
Rosy cheeks, toasting sandwiches by a crackling woodstove, snow-covered trees … and visiting with everyone else who has arrived under their own power. The Rossland Range Recreation Site with its trails, snow routes, and collection of little day-use shelters has become very popular with skiers on various types of skis,...
Editorial: "Discover Rossland" on February 4 (CORRECTED)
CORRECTION: this event runs until 7:30 in the evening, not until 9:30 as originally mis-reported! So please be sure to go early. Apologies from the editor with the inaccurate finger. Mark your calendars for February 4, 2020, from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm; it will be time to “Discover Rossland” at the Miners Union Hall. After the...
Column: A 2020 vision for climate action
Let’s hope 2020 marks the start of a year and decade when we finally take climate disruption as seriously as the evidence shows we must. We understand the problem and know how to deal with it. Many solutions exist and more are being developed daily. Consuming less of everything, including energy, rapidly shifting to renewable...
Rossland Teen is handpicked for Junior team by Core Kites Canada
16 year old Tayne Steven is a super motivated grade 11 student at Seven Summits Centre for Learning in Rossland BC, the site of the world’s first Kitefoiling academy. After celebrating his first podium finish at Kiteclash competition in Squamish last year, his raw talent, huge likeability factor and genuine enthusiasm for ...
Rossland City Council meetings, January 6, 2020
Rossland City Council Meetings, January 6, 2020 Zoning decisions; changes about garbage; revised costs for arena work; have your say about a public washroom downtown Present: Mayor Kathy Moore, and Councillors Dirk Lewis, Janice Nightingale, Stewart Spooner, Chris Bowman, and Andy Morel. Absent: Scott Forsyth 1. ...
COLUMN: From the Hill -- Canada's new Parliament, so far
It’s a new year, a new decade, and a time to look forward. The new parliament sat for two weeks in early December, time enough to get an indication how the government intends to move forward. Most Canadians want the government to work collaboratively with other parties to tackle the issues of our time, and the NDP is very ...
The Agenda for Human Transformation: so many voices, so little time
“Too many, reaching for a piece of cake. … Too many hungry people, losing weight.” Paul McCartney “There’s too much confusion, I can’t get no relief.” Bob Dylan “I was always working steady, but I never called it art. / I had my shit together, reading Christ and reading Marx. … Go ask the young Messiah, what happens...
Op/Ed: Open for public input until January 9
The BC government is proposing a strategy for improving wildlife management and habitat conservation. Readers can provide input on the plan until January 9. The letter below expresses opinions from the BC chapter of Backcoiuntry Hunters and Anglers. Your editor thinks that the proposed strategy leaves too much leeway for...
2020 Property Tax Assessments are in the mail
In the next few days, owners of more than 147,500 properties throughout the Kootenay Columbia region can expect to receive their 2020 assessment notices, which reflect market value as of July 1, 2019. "The majority of Kootenay Columbia home-owners can expect an increase when compared to last year’s assessments," says Deputy...