

EDITORIAL: How to raise $60 million. Regional healthcare faces serious questions

Are you a saver, or are you a spender? The recent discussions at the Regional Hospital Board have sounded somewhat like a bank commercial. The question at hand however is a serious one and the board has recently opened the discussion on perhaps the most significant question healthcare in our region will face over the next...

Some locals bear-ly aware ... but fines will get their attention

 Wow – newsflash – the City of Castlegar is actually considering enforcing its own bylaws. Stop the presses, she says sardonically.   That shouldn’t be news at all, if you ask me … it should just be a given ….but the sad part is, I guarantee a hue and cry when residents start having to […]

Life in the fishbowl: Splitting up in a small town

There are a lot of benefits to living in a small-town, not the least of which is presumed commonality and familiarity with others who have also chosen to settle, remain or relocate here. I love this place for that sense of belonging, and for still challenging me on a daily basis with the contrast of often feeling the part of...

Fox News North – Not! Savour the victory

It’s quite a come down. From in-your-face arrogance to a total retreat in a matter of a few months, the big money behind Quebecor’s determination to set up a Fox news North is now looking pretty humble.There’s no doubt that part of this is overreach on the part of Pierre Karl Peladeau and his junkyard-dog front man Kory...

Leaders, parties and businesses that ignore Blogosphere do so at their peril

Almost hate to admit it, but I am old enough to remember the advent of television in Canada. In Montreal, in the early 1950s, it all began with two television stations: CBMT (English) and CBFT (French), and we would watch, mesmerized by anything they broadcast',even the Indian head test patterns, with their various very...

Indigo’s “For the Love of Indigo” school library fundraising campaign

Did you know that parents want their children to have access to well-stocked libraries in their schools? Were you aware that they’re very concerned that provincial governments aren’t doing enough to ensure that there’s enough money to pay for these books and libraries? Or that increasingly teachers have to dig into their own...

Castlegar hosts food sovereignty event

On the Tuesday evening after Thanksgiving, when many of us are still recovering from our turkey and trimmings, Alex Atamanenko, MP for BC Southern Interior and Castlegar’s St. Rita’s Parish Development and Peace Committee will be co-hosting a World Food Week related public event. The 7p.m., Oct. 12 gathering at St. Rita’s Church Hall (513 […]

Who says it's hard being Green? Lone Sheep welcomes The Nelson Daily!

This week, we’re proud to announce the latest addition to the Lone Sheep family of newspapers: The Nelson Daily. Owned and operated by Tim Schafer and Bruce Fuhr, both formerly of the now-defunct Nelson Daily News and Peter Sheets formerly of the Trail Rossland News, the new Nelson Daily promises to be a vital and vigorous […]

Anti-recall strategy: Attack the messenger, not the message

The Liberal strategy for fighting recall is now very clear: go after Bill VanderZalm personally, since they apparently don’t believe they can beat recall on the issues. And their attack strategy has been picked up by their mouthpieces in the media: either deliberately, trying to scuttle recall, or naively by taking up the...

EDITORIAL: "Growing" our city from the ground up

We often hear about exactly why and how Rossland should or should not “grow”. Perhaps where some camps diverge from one another is on just what growth means.   Does growing Rossland purely mean an increase in population? Geographical area? Economic wealth? Sustainability? Or perhaps 'growth' also means growing wiser, doing ...

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