

EDITORIAL: Farewell from Andrew Zwicker

For my entire working career, I’ve been inspired by bold ideas and values based projects that aim to truly make a difference. That is why it is with both pride,  excitement, optimism and a small sense of loss that I announce to you, our loyal readers that this week will be my last story with The Rossland Telegraph and Lone ...

ATAMANENKO: Vote subsidy hypocrisy

Stephen Harper is planning to do away with the per-vote subsidy to political parties. Brought in under the Chretien Liberals, this is the subsidy that, along with putting stricter limits on union and corporate donations, was meant to reduce political influence over Canadian elections.  Under current laws it is no longer...

Can the NDP thrive after Jack? And save the country?

Canadians who maintain the dream of a more equal, democratic and civilized society may no longer be reeling from the death of Jack Layton. But they are surely stuck in a kind of political limbo, trying not to think of the damage Stephen Harper can do whenever he wants, as they try to imagine how this catastrophic situation ...

Christy Clark stages a coup

BC is in deep trouble: we now have a government that has no moral, no public and no legal legitimacy to govern. Christy Clark’s government was never elected by the people of this province, on the basis of any endorsed platform, program, promises or outlined plans for governing. And she herself--before taking the premier’s...

COMMENT: Art is greater than filth

Ali Farzat, the Arab world’s greatest cartoonist – in fact one of the very best and bravest creative voices in the Arab world – was bundled into a van by Syrian regime filth last night. Some hours later he was found bleeding at the side of the airport road. First reports suggest that his hands have been broken.I’ve often used...

Golden City Cynic: What I’ll miss about Rossland

The cat is officially out of its not-so-tightly-closed bag: I’m moving. At the end of September, I’ll be packing up my actual cat, Juno, and all my stuff, and moving to the coast. Maple Ridge, to be specific. It was a difficult, devastating decision, and I have another column planned talking about my reasons for the move, but...

EDITORIAL: Arts and culture, want to come outside and play?

Walking around downtown Rossland with a friend from California this past weekend, I felt somewhat self conscious that at 6:30 PM on a sunny Saturday afternoon, the downtown core was vacant of all but a Pomeranian attempting to bite at the heels of a passing semi and an old black dog making the rounds from bin to bin (Note to...

Why the BC Liberal government doesn't value your life

There are many instances I've come across in the past number of years which suggest to me the Campbell/Clark Government places no real value on the lives of its citizens - this despite Premier Clark's "families first" motto. That's a bold claim, I know - which is why I'm going to state my case here, drawing on several specific...

The heat is not on, or why a police presence in the Mountain Kingdom would be a good thing

Over the last little while, I’ve heard the following statement from visitors and newbies to Rossland: “Rossland is great! There are no police here!” I reacted both times I heard this with a bit of dismay. Sure, we’re in general a peaceful town with a sense of sleepiness and not a lot of overly nefarious activity going on. And...

ATAMANENKO: Genetically Engineered Salmon, not worth the risk to health or the environment

Aquabounty Technologies (AT), headquartered in the US, has genetically modified (GM) a faster growing Atlantic salmon by inserting a growth hormone gene from Chinook salmon and genetic material from the eel-like ocean pout. The company’s business plan is to produce genetically modified salmon eggs in Prince Edward Island...

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