

Castlegar, Trail, Nelson, Rossland and the RDCK to participate in immigration pilot project

A handful of Kootenay communities will participate in BC’s brand new Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) Entrepreneur Immigration Regional Pilot. Castlegar, Trail, Nelson, Rossland and RDCK Area J are among more than 30 BC communities to join the pilot, which aims to attract foreign entrepreneurs to establish businesses in rural...

Open Letter: Support for the Immediate Passing of Bill C-262

To The Editor: Dear Senators, The First Nations Leadership Council (FNLC) is calling on each Senator of Canada to support the passage of Bill C-262, An Act to ensure that the laws of Canada are in harmony with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, without delay. The Truth and Reconciliation...

In-Depth: Sprawling clearcuts among reasons for B.C.’s monster spring floods

Wildfire, drought and a pine beetle epidemic are piling on top of a long history of logging, pushing the province’s forests to a dangerous tipping point that experts say will make bad flooding worse By Ben Parfitt for The Narwhal Every spring and typically in May the Kettle River hits peak flow. A gauge placed in the ...

Editorial: We aren't enlightened, we're just short of workers

Will the new Builders Code help women and other minorities survive in the trades? Time will tell. Race and gender still provoke ostracism, bullying, harassment, hazing … call it what you will, it is all too common, and it creates a toxic workplace, especially for those at whom it’s directed.  In some cases,...

COLUMN: Part Three: The West is Best, What do we Owe the Rest?

Part Three In the two previous editions of the Arc, I have been writing about the recent history of Western global dominance, about reactions to that past, and what it reveals about human consciousness expressed in culture. Two main authors are my resource for conversation about culture and consciousness in evolution: Robert...

Council Matters: a climbing gym in the Miners Hall; neighbours oppose re-zoning; top cop wants more officers ...

Rossland City Council: Public Hearing and Regular Meeting, March 11, 2019 Public Hearing:  6:00 pm For public input on Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2692, to re-zone 2770 Butte Street from R‐1‐Residential Single Detached to R‐1Infill Residential,  and  Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2693, to re-zone 1988 First Avenue from Short-term...

Opinion: Opportunity costs: can carbon taxing become a positive-sum game?

By John Quiggin, professor of Economics at Queensland University in Brisbane, for Aeon Climate change, caused by human activity, is arguably the biggest single problem facing the world today, and it is deeply entangled with the question of how to lift billions of people out of poverty without destroying the global environment...

Opinion: Belief in Meritocracy is not only False; it's Morally Wrong

By Clifton Mark, for Aeon; edited by Nigel Warburton ‘We are true to our creed when a little girl born into the bleakest poverty knows that she has the same chance to succeed as anybody else …’ Barack Obama, inaugural address, 2013  ‘We must create a level playing field for American companies and workers.’ Donald Trump,...

$50,000 to save forest above Cottonwood Lake may be too little, too late

Caught off guard by a plan to log more than 600 hectares of treasured local forest, residents near Cottonwood Lake discovered that privately owned lands can be clearcut without public notice, consultation with neighbours or the requirement to replant logged areas By Judith Lavoie, for The Narwhal Against a dramatic backdrop...

Forum: State of the Kootenays: An Economic Update slated for next month in Castlegar

Castlegar & District Economic Development and the Chamber of Commerce will be hosting an exciting event on April 11. The event, titled the State of the Kootenays: An Economic Update, is Castlegar & District’s Economic Development’s first ever Economic Forum. The event will be on April 11 from 6 - 8.30 p.m., with a...

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