Castlegar, Trail, Nelson, Rossland and the RDCK to participate in immigration pilot project
A handful of Kootenay communities will participate in BC’s brand new Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) Entrepreneur Immigration Regional Pilot.
Castlegar, Trail, Nelson, Rossland and RDCK Area J are among more than 30 BC communities to join the pilot, which aims to attract foreign entrepreneurs to establish businesses in rural communities. This will help meet the communities’ economic development needs and encourage investments outside urban areas.
“Due to an aging workforce and a preference for city living, some smaller towns can face challenges growing their local economies,” said Bruce Ralston, Minister of Jobs, Trade and Technology. “This pilot will attract new businesses that create jobs and spread investment around the province so more British Columbians can benefit from shared prosperity.”
To be part of the pilot, communities must have a population of fewer than 75,000 and have settlement and business supports in place to help newcomers successfully integrate.
More information on the project can be found here: