

Regional businesses shine at 2012 KAST Sprit of Innovation Awards

The West Kootenay-Boundary’s leading innovative businesses, entrepreneurs and organizations were celebrated on stage in Nelson, and across the province this past week as the winners of the 2012 Spirit of Innovation Awards were announced. Long known for its geographical beauty, often overlooked is the region’s vast and diverse...

UPGRADE UPDATE: One week to go!

This is week 25 of the 26 week construction schedule!  All the terra cotta coloured paving tiles have been laid, and the grey pavers near the cenotaph, Father Pat Memorial and Harry Lefevre Square will be completed by Friday. The stage in Harry Lefevre Square should be finished by week’s end. All plantings will also be complete...

The Boundary Sentinel takes home 2012 Community Entrepreneur of the Year Award

Editor and owner of The Boundary Sentinel, Mona Mattei, was one of eight local businesses and organizations recognized at the annual Community Futures Boundary 2012 Community Awards at a special evening celebration, Tuesday, Oct. 23 held at the Grand Forks Curling Rink. About 100 people attended the event, which recognized ...

Rossland council wants public input on leash laws and smoking bans

Following council's request in September for a "smoking dogs" bylaw, city staff returned to council on Monday with a report on bylaws used by other communities to control dogs and restrict smoking in public areas. Council voted to provide several opportunities for public input before contemplating any change to either the ban...

Kootenay Columbia Trail Society plans a major expansion to attract new riders

Stewart Spooner of the Kootenay Columbia Trails Society (KCTS) has spearheaded an effort to build a new 17 kilometre bike and hike trail from Red Mountain Resort to Nancy Greene Pass. The intermediate level trail will be less technically demanding than other trails in the existing network. "The motivation behind this big...

COMMENT: The great Canadian sell-out

It couldn’t have been clearer in a recent interview for Maclean’s magazine, that International Trade Minister Ed Fast viewed maintaining sovereign control over our public services, investments, intellectual property, environmental protection, government procurement and labour mobility as completely irrelevant in sweeping...

"Rossland Gateway" property applies for commercial zoning to build a metal shop

Council has advanced Curtis Nichols' application to rezone his property at 926 Black Bear Drive—opposite the junction of Highway 22 and the Cascade Highway—from R1 Residential to C2 Commercial Service, and a public hearing has been scheduled for Nov. 12. Nichols plans to subdivide his lot, keeping the southern portion...

Vote against OCP amendment process halts landowner's plans to subdivide in Happy Valley

[CORRECTION: This article has been modified since publication. We originally wrote that council had voted 3-3 in favour of the motion, but in fact council voted 4-2, with Mayor Granstrom in favour. Had the motion been tied 3-3, the motion would have failed. Our apologies for the error.] Council voted 4-2 in favour of city...

Red Mountain Racers dust off plans to blow snow on the shoulder season

The Red Mountain Racers (RMR) want a jump start on the ski season and, by October of next year, they hope snow guns will plaster Red for pre- and post-season training, world class ski competitions, and a guaranteed low-altitude base for the rush of skiers on Christmas vacation. Head coach Phil Patterson and RMR president Don...

OP/ED: One of the most important graphs and the two most important posts, you will ever read about BC’s coming debt load

Our good friends over at Blog Borg Collective has a very important post up this morning that clearly show the amount of debt the province is carrying – without including crown corps etc. The chart  above is from one he has embedded in his post today….. and all I can say is a big thank you to the BC Liberals for accumulating...

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