

ANALYSIS: Budge the Budget—DemocracySTORM returns!

Back over Christmas, I eagerly unwrapped the gift of enormously diverse input given by respondents to December's DemocracySTORM survey. Now we’re in the second, more exciting phase of the storm—we’re asking you to vote on your favourite Budge the Budget ideas. You need not have participated to jump in right now and vote, so...

DemocracySTORM: Big ideas YOU wanted council to hear about the budget

Below are 58 categories into which  I put people’s responses to the question, What key points should council consider before passing the budget? Separate articles address the questions: What should Rossland spend MORE money on? What should Rossland spend LESS money on?  And we also address concerns people have raised about ...

DemocracySTORM: What YOU thought Rossland should spend LESS money on

Below are 50 categories into which I put people’s responses to the question, What should Rossland spend LESS money on? Separate articles address the questions: What should Rossland spend MORE money on? What other key points should council consider before passing the budget? And we also address concerns people have raised about...

DemocracySTORM: What YOU thought Rossland should spend MORE money on

Below are 49 categories into which I put people’s responses to the question, What should Rossland spend MORE money on? Separate articles address the questions: What should Rossland spend LESS money on? What other key points should council consider before passing the budget? And we also address concerns people have raised about...


Calls to cut taxes should not come as a surprise. Individuals, business establishments, and corporations have been singing this tune for years. Resistance to taxes goes hand in hand with government at all levels. “No Tax Payments!”screamed a headline in Germany’s Neue Rheinische Zeitungon November 16, 1848. The article’s...

Shuttle to Red Mountain this season, Gangnam style

Two new shuttle services to Red Mountain Resort have been negotiated for this ski season, one all the way to and from Spokane, and one a short five minute ride between Rossland and Red.Deanne Steven of Tourism Rossland (TR) announced the new services to Rossland’s council at Monday evening's regular meeting. She was particularly...

Zoning amendment squeaks through divided council

A bylaw to rezone Curtis Nichols' property on Black Bear Drive from R1-Residential to C2-Commercial split council down the middle, and even created procedural confusion as the amendment was (just barely) adopted.Previous reports give greater detail on the proposal and the strong opposition mounted by a few of Nichols'...

Old Cooke school site could become 24 units of affordable housing, but developer stymied by city restrictions

The old Cooke Ave. school site may soon see construction as council advanced a zoning amendment that will allow local developer Cezary Ksiazek to build a group of six fourplexes. A public hearing is scheduled for Dec. 10 after which council will vote on third reading and adoption of the bylaw. The plan council advanced,...

Announcing the new Kootenay DigiTech Awards

Kootenay Business magazine is looking for the best in all things digital. Introducing the Kootenay DigiTech Awards! Win a SAMSUNG tablet compliments of Staples! Here's your opportunity to nominate your favourite Kootenay websites, along with social and digital media sites. Kootenay Business is pleased to recognize the best ...

Public hearing for Black Bear Drive rezoning draws vehement opposition from neighbours

Two neighbours spoke strongly against Curtis Nichols' application to rezone his property, 926 Black Bear, from R1 Residential to C2 Commercial Service at the public hearing on Monday. The city has also received similar correspondence since details about the proposal were reported two weeks ago. The image above is a zoning map...

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