

Glacier/Howser Fight Continues at Nelson Meeting

 CASTLEGAR— Kootenay West MLA Katrine Conroy says the community members that attended the Glacier-Howser meeting in Nelson were energized and inspired to continue the fight against the controversial private power project. “This is just the beginning,” said Conroy. “The people of this region are ready to fight hard against Gordon Campbell’s plan to privatize our waterways […]

Dance Hall Proposal Dropped

An anticipated large crowd at this week’s regular city council meeting in support of the scheduled OCP and zoning amendment for the proposed dance studio in the Jehovah’s Witness hall never materialized. Those who showed up to support the project learned on arrival that the zoning and OCP amendment application had been dropped...

Behind The Blue Tarp: Controversy Around Golden City Manor Renovations

Upon enquiring about the blue tarp that has graced the front of Golden City Manor for the past two years, it turned out that tarp was covering up more than just an unfinished piece of the building and that there was a significant story behind it, or more correctly a story on just who would be able to fix the problem.The story...

CBT Selects Rossland Sustainability Commission for State of the Basin Initiative

The Columbia Basin Trust (CBT) is pleased to announce three community pilot projects that will receive financial support as part of the State of the Basin Initiative, a model for monitoring and reporting on social, environmental, economic and cultural indicators and trends in the Columbia Basin region. Earlier this year, CBT invited municipalities, regional districts, First […]

Unsung Volunteers - Search and Rescue Under Threat

Ahh... Super Natural British Columbia, the “Best place on earth,” as we’ve been branded. ’Come play in our mountains, explore our beautiful forests, oceans, lakes and endless beautiful back country’ we say to the world. We publicize our province with sweeping heli-cam shots of wild open mountain spaces; we show folks having...

Commentary: The Internet and Its Challenge to Capitalism

As a society, we have been living under a false paradigm for at least the last 250 years.  That is, that people are largely motivated by self-interest.  It's an utter absurdity, but one that has been reinforced by various types of clinical prejudice, beginning with Freud, but also, most importantly, Adam Smith.Smith is the ...

EDITORIAL: Trashington Street

Living nearby the high school and doing the majority of my commuting on foot, I end up walking up and down Washington Street at least two or three times a day. Every time I walk along the stretch running from RSS to Columbia Avenue I find myself more and more disgusted by the constant string of litter running up and down the...

New study Calls for Communities to Make Walking and Cycling the Top Priority in Transport Plans

Burnaby, BC (Monday, June 8, 2009) – A new study from the BC Recreation and Parks Association (BCRPA) calls for municipal governments to make walking and cycling the top priority in their transportation plans, rather than cars. The study, entitled “Physical Activity and Transportation Benefits of Walkable Approaches to Community...

Effective Disposal of Invasive Plants

Spring has sprung and so have those tenacious invasive plants, popping up in your garden. People have introduced a number of plants to this area as cultivated ornamentals which have jumped the fence to neighbouring yards and alleys to then move on to colonize forests, grasslands and wetlands. As pretty as some of these plants […]

Academies - The Future of Schooling in Rossland?

It has been said many times and in many ways that tough situations breed new opportunities and innovation. In a time of shrinking enrolment in our schools and coming on the heels of a number of school closures in the area in recent years, Rossland has a number of groups working towards saving our schools in a number of different...

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