

Opinion: We are heading for a New Cretaceous, not a new normal

By Peter Forbes, for Aeon A lazy buzz phrase – ‘Is this the new normal?’ – has been doing the rounds as extreme climate events have been piling up over the past year. To which the riposte should be: it’s worse than that – we’re on the road to even more frequent, more extreme events than we saw this year. We have known since...

Tŝilhqot’in Nation Celebrates Grand Opening of its Solar Farm

The Tŝilhqot’in Nation celebrated the Grand Opening of its Solar Farm last Friday, October 18, 2019.  The Tŝilhqot’in Solar Farm is located 80 km west of Williams Lake on what is known as the Riverwest Sawmill.  The 1.25-MW solar farm is the largest of its kind in British Columbia and is one hundred percent developed, built,...

Column: We owe Greta and the world's youth more than a Nobel Prize

Many people, including me, expected Greta Thunberg to win this year’s Nobel Peace Prize. Instead, Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Ali was deservedly awarded for ending more than 20 years of conflict with neighbouring Eritrea.Greta and the young people worldwide urging adults to care about their future don’t need a Nobel....

Editorial Opinion: Ruminations on voting, party platforms, promises and so on

Mainstream media coverage to date of the federal election campaign has led CBC pundit Neil Macdonald to declare, “I can’t get little enough of it.”  No wonder.  Irrelevant distractions, insults, inaccurate accusations, fake videos, false social media memes, a flood of promises that few voters put much faith in anymore, and ...

Op/Ed: Caribou numbers crashing; Tŝilhqot’in Nation alarmed

Southern BC has lost all or most of its formerly numerous wild mountain caribou. Populations are crashing in the BC central interior as well. The Western Canada Wilderness Committee points out that they “were once so numerous that an entire region of BC is named after them. The Cariboo in the central interior of BC was given...

Annual Pro-Life "Life Chain" demonstrations

In Canada, the decision on whether or not a woman considering abortion will actually have one is currently made privately in discussions about the potential risks and alternative options between the woman and her doctor, and also depends on the accessibility of an abortion provider.  There is no federal law prohibiting or...

LETTER: Kudos to striking kids, federal parties need to step up

To the Editor, The Fridays For the Future youth strike last Friday was inspiring. Around the world, millions of youth and their supporters marched and demanded real climate action from the adults. By ‘real action’ I assume the youth mean action that avoids the forecasted global catastrophe and delivers the Paris Accord goal...

COLUMN: We must purge privilege from politics

Tackling climate change means purging privilege from politics Our national political arena often seems dominated by unproductive partisan potshots and misplaced accountability, with corporate interests prioritized over people’s. Behind the noisy partisan sniping, a quiet majority — 70 to 75 per cent of Canadians — is largely disengaged from politics, according to McAllister Opinion Research. […]

Greta Thunberg: 'How dare you!'

Greta Thunberg’s speech to the  UN was transcribed.  Here is the full text.  For the full effect, though, listen to her speech at this link:    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYqtXR8iPlE In response to the question, “What’s your message to world leaders today?” Thunberg responded as follows: Greta Thunberg:   “My message is...

Editorial: What to do?

Current and anticipatory grief The reality of the continuing extinction of many so species is profoundly upsetting.  Readers may wonder why old people should care.  For example, I’ll be dead in a few years myself;  it will be up to others to live their lives diminished by the loss of caribou and many other creatures, many...

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