

Column: Alberta`s war room is an attack on democracy

Canada is respected globally for the freedoms we who live here enjoy. It’s not perfect, but it’s a geographically and culturally diverse land with spectacular environments and friendly people. I’ve always appreciated having the freedom to speak my mind. A diversity of ideas and perspectives, based on facts and evidence,...

Column: From the Hill -- The new NAFTA -- CUSMA

This week in the House of Commons we are debating the new NAFTA agreement between Canada, the United States and Mexico, known by the acronym CUSMA. The original NAFTA was negotiated by Conservatives and signed by Liberals in 1994 with promises of more jobs and secure access to the largest market in the world. Supporters of ...

Editorial: Let's not be dupes

This week’s Op/Ed piece by Professor Henry Giroux asks us to “stand up for democracy.”   Sounds like a good idea – but how can we best do that?     Being well-informed One of the things Giroux emphasizes is information – a healthy democracy depends on well-informed citizens. Today, information can fly around the planet in...

Op/Ed: Stand up to defend democracy

Editor’s Note:  This still-very-timely article is from 2017, adapted by the author from a commencement address he delivered that year in Glasgow, Scotland. The emphasis on what youth must do is appropriate to a commencement address – and as everyone not living under a rock already knows, the world’s...

Letter: The people of the world say: NO war on Iran

In support of the January 25th Global Day of Action calling for No War on Iran, approximately 80 people who gathered at Castlegar United Church urged all Federal party leaders to work to avoid a catastrophic war.  They wrote: Whereas the USA may launch a war on Iran; Whereas such a war will involve Canada; Whereas such a war...

Editorial: TAX TIME -- and who gets the breaks

Canada has major income tax loopholes that favour the wealthy, arguably cost the country (ergo all of us taxpayers who aren’t rich enough to qualify for them) billions of dollars overall, and make lesser-income people pay more than their fair share, while further enriching the already-rich.  Now, the already-rich are pretty...

Op/Ed: Climate change -- focusing on how individuals can help is very convenient for corporations

By Morten Fibieger Byskov, for The  Conversation What can be done to limit global warming to 1.5°C? A quick internet search offers a deluge of advice on how individuals can change their behaviour. Take public transport instead of the car or, for longer journeys, the train rather than fly. Eat less meat and more vegetables, ...

Column: A 2020 vision for climate action

Let’s hope 2020 marks the start of a year and decade when we finally take climate disruption as seriously as the evidence shows we must. We understand the problem and know how to deal with it. Many solutions exist and more are being developed daily. Consuming less of everything, including energy, rapidly shifting to renewable...

COLUMN: From the Hill -- Canada's new Parliament, so far

It’s a new year, a new decade, and a time to look forward. The new parliament sat for two weeks in early December, time enough to get an indication how the government intends to move forward.  Most Canadians want the government to work collaboratively with other parties to tackle the issues of our time, and the NDP is very ...

BC’s newest political party calls for investigation of RCMP actions and halt to pipeline construction

The BC Ecosocialists are the first provincial political party to respond to the revelations published in The Guardian on Friday, alleging that the RCMP planned to deploy snipers and were prepared to use extreme tactics including child apprehension in a raid on the Indigenous land defenders who continue to oppose the gas...

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