

Get your gourd on! The great Rossland pumpkin growing competition returns

Forget the silver bells, and cockle shells, the real story for old contrary Mary, if she were to stop by Rossland this summer, would be ‘how do your giant pumpkins and sunflowers grow?’.  Two-time defending giant pumpkin growing champion Darcee O’Hearn has jumped on board this year to head up the contest to seek out new gourd...

Walk this way: Heritage buildings anchor tourism initiative

The fact that Rossland is loaded with history, culture and heritage is nothing new. How to use that heritage to the city’s benefit in terms of tourism development, however, is a project that Tourism Rossland, the Rossland Heritage Commission and the Columbia Basin Trust have been working on over the last several years. The ...

The Light of Rossland’s Flame

Community Building is process that requires developing authentic relationships between people in a community. The word 'authentic' is extremely important because people rarely communicate authentically. Rossland's The Flame was implemented for exactly that reason: it was an event designated to increase community involvement...

Recent scandals show ongoing battle for Chinese food security

 A slew of food scandals have occurred in China in recent weeks, highlighting the country's ongoing challenge with maintaining levels of food safety.Most recently, a report on broadcaster CCTV2 revealed that a Shanghai producer of steamed buns (mantou) used contained dye and excessive amounts of artificial sweetener in the ...

Spring goes up in smoke

By Michael JessenThey go together like two peas in a pod – a sunny spring day and smoke. The sunny spring day is a gift of nature. The smoke is an obstruction from an errant backyard brush fire – errant as in straying from the right course or accepted standards. “What do you mean?” asks the man who set fire to a pile of autumn...

The brotherhood of the traveling cenotaph

In its headline story on Saturday November 12th, 1921, The Rossland Miner noted that “one of the most impressive ceremonies witnessed in the history of Rossland took place yesterday, when under the auspices of the local branch of the Great War Veterans of Canada, the beautiful War Memorial erected by the veterans and citizens...

City not about to pay for water meter installations any time soon

A motion, introduced by Councilor Moore, charged up on the idea after attending CBT’s Water Smart forum last week, for the City to prepare a feasibility report on the City potentially paying for the installation of water meters and compensating people that have already installed was dead int the water after a 5-1 vote against...

Local student places second in provincial Royal Canadian Legion contest

 Royal Canadian Legion representatives visited the RSS grade 6/7 students last week to deliver good news to Grade 6 student Allie Stanley.  Each year the Legion sponsors a Remembrance Day contest for students from grade one to twelve. Students can enter the literary and poster contest in one of four categories including colour...

Singing the Doggy Doo Wah Wah blues

Whether you like it, hate it, are grossed out by it or pitch in to help clean it up, there’s no denying that spring on Rossland’s trail system is dog poop season. A walk, cross country ski or bike out Centennial Trail and back this week has been an effort in land-mine dodging and breath holding as the warm weather, like an ...

Sustainability Commission Update: Earth Day, The State of Rossland project, and the economic impact of our beloved trails system

Move over Earth Hour and make room for Earth Day, to be celebrated this year on April 22. Launched in the US in 1970 as an environmental awareness campaign, this yearly event now touts 1 billion participants worldwide - with 6 million of those in Canada. Nationwide events like community waterways clean-ups, walks, and thousands...

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