

This Saturday, flower fanatics flock together

This Saturday, gardening secrets, tips and tricks will be revealed throughout The Golden City as Rossland hosts a self-guided garden tour. Rain or shine, 10 local gardens will be on public display to everyone from the experienced landscaper to the amateur garden enthusiast. Jackie Drysdale, organizer of the event thinks there’s...

ATAMANENKO: Genetically Engineered Salmon, not worth the risk to health or the environment

Aquabounty Technologies (AT), headquartered in the US, has genetically modified (GM) a faster growing Atlantic salmon by inserting a growth hormone gene from Chinook salmon and genetic material from the eel-like ocean pout. The company’s business plan is to produce genetically modified salmon eggs in Prince Edward Island...

Better never than late: delayed huckleberry crop drives bears into town

This year the bears have show up fashionably late with almost no sightings being reported until last week.   “It was pretty quiet up until a week ago...all of sudden we’ve had a big spike of bears in town. There’s at least five that I know of that are actively hanging around town at different times of the day,” explain Sharon...

Everyone Welcome! Christina Lake Homecoming, July 22 & 23rd, 2011

On Friday July 22nd visit the Christina Living Arts Centre and hear the “Not Yet” duo Laura Jean and Gary perform free thanks to the Christina Lake Arts and Artisan Society. Check out the new Chamber of Commerce gift shop (cool T-shirts) and bid on some art at the Silent Auction. This event starts at 7pm.Enter a draw to win...

School's out! Congrats to KAST scholarship winners

From video game design and digital music, to bio-engineering, business and dentistry; Kootenay and Boundary communities can expect some amazing future achievements from our 2011 grads. The Kootenay Association for Science & Technology (KAST) is very proud of our region’s talented tech and science students, including RSS's...

Dump not, lest ye be invaded!

As if last year’s Spotted knapweed and Common tansy infestations all over the place weren’t enough for local homeowners and gardeners to tend with, Jenn Vogel of the Central Kootenay Invasive Plant Committee (CKIPC) did a presentation at Monday night’s council meeting where she identified a few more invasive species Rosslanders...

New York legalizes same-sex marriage

The New York State Legislature passed a bill Friday that legalizes same-sex marriage in the state. It was signed into law by Democratic governor Andrew Cuomo. New York now becomes the sixth and largest U.S. state with legalized same-sex marriage. The practice is legal in Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire,...

New York legalizes same-sex marriage

The New York State Legislature passed a bill Friday that legalizes same-sex marriage in the state. It was signed into law by Democratic governor Andrew Cuomo. New York now becomes the sixth and largest U.S. state with legalized same-sex marriage. The practice is legal in Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire,...

Mail expected to start moving by Tuesday

West Kootenay and Boundary residents should see letters, cheques, and those dreaded bills, flowing to their residences by Tuesday after the Conservative government pushed through back-to-work legislation during the weekend.Following a one-day marathon session in the House of Commons, the Senate passed the Canada Post back-to-work...

"Libertad" crowned winning read in MacLean’s battle of the books

This week wrapped up the MacLean Reads competition at MacLean Elementary. Since January, nine participants in grades four and five read and debated nine different books in an elimination battle to come up with the best Canadian book for Rossland student readers.The books, all by Canadian authors, were pre-selected by Christine...

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