

GALLERY: Skatepark design unveiled, construction set to begin in 2013

The Rossland Skatepark Association (RSA) unveiled their skatepark design to an enthusiastic audience at a public meeting on Monday. Now the RSA has given the go-ahead to design consultant Spectrum Skateparks to make final modifications to the plan and assemble a cost estimate in preparation for the next big push: fundraising....

Study sets out path to protect the Rocky Mountains’ wildest area

(Canmore, AB) At a time when National and Provincial Parks increasingly are under threat, a new study released today by the Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative (Y2Y) sets out a path to protect one of Canada’s great success stories – B.C.’s Muskwa-Kechika Management Area. Roughly the size of Ireland, the Muskwa-Kechika...

UPGRADE UPDATE: Floating intersections and rotten eggs

The sidewalk removal will continue this week, as will the removal of the sub-base.  The material removed from the road is being relocated behind the Credit Union to create more parking spaces and a walkway.    Fortis will be lowering the gas main in Sourdough Alley at Washington St. and Columbia Ave. as well as through the ...

OP/ED: MLAs walk away with millions in pensions

By: Jordan Bateman, Director Canadian Taxpayers Federation With just ten months until the next provincial election, the lifeboats are starting to fill up as MLAs of both political persuasions look to leave the ship of state. That means one thing: millions of dollars in pension payouts, primarily funded by taxpayers. Dave Hayer...

Slag pile sinkholes cause for investigation

Large crevices and sinkholes appearing in the Grand Forks slag piles along the Granby river were cause for serious investigation today. The changes in the slag piles were noted by Pacific Abrasives Ltd. and city crews.  "If the entire slag pile shifts and lands in the river we could see the Granby running through town on 2nd...

Kootenay Caravan gathers momentum on their way to Kitimat

The Kootenay to Kitimat Caravan to protest Enbridge’s plans for a northern tar sands pipeline made one of their first stops in a 10 day journey in Grand Forks today gathering support and raising awareness. Meeting a small gathering of locals at Gyro Park on Highway 3, the four men, Keith Wiley, Michael Gilfillan, Tom Nixon ...

Imagine a world without free speech - Russia debates rules

Access to the Russian-language Wikipedia is disabled across almost all its pages on Tuesday, July 10, due to the Russian parliament, the Duma, debating amendments to the law "About information" which may lead to censorship of Runet through blacklisting and filtering of internet sites. The proposed bill aims to creating a...

Skatepark design unveiled, July 16

After over a year of consultation and planning, the Rossland Skatepark Association (RSA) will be “rolling out” the preliminary designs for Rossland’s skatepark next week. RSA has invited the public to come Tuesday, July 16, at 7 p.m. to the Miners' Hall to review the plans and offer their feedback and suggestions.   “We’re ...

A "distinctive" make-over and cascading falls for the Esling Park water feature

After weeks of work on a complete revamp of the Esling Park pond and creek, Dave Morris is just now building in the pièce de résistance: the third tier of an elaborate waterfall feature that flows into the pond. Morris learned his trade in stone walls working beside his father and brother over the last decade, starting in...

Heritage Garden gets growing at the Le Roi Mine

The stars have finally aligned for the new Heritage Garden built last fall and this spring, and planted at the end of our cool, wet June, at the site of the Le Roi Mine above the Rossland Museum. Last week we caught up with Libby and Iain Martin for a tour of their hard work and that of other volunteers, in particular Andy ...

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