
COMMENT: What’s a ‘YES…if’ community--and could Rossland become one?

Tim Lapointe
By Tim Lapointe
January 9th, 2014

First what is a ‘YES … if’ community? It’s actually really simple. A ‘Yes…if’ community is one that, rather than focusing on the negatives (call that a ‘NO…but’ community), agrees to accentuate the positive. A ‘YES…if’ community agrees to listen with an open mind to all proposals, ideas, or plans for the betterment of the community that anyone would wish to present and then constructively considers the process by which we all could make it happen.

Being a ‘YES…if’ community does not mean that we will allow any idea to go through–only that we will pledge to consider each one with an open mind, listen to all the stakeholders involved, and discuss paths the proponent might take to successfully bring it to fruition (that’s the ‘if’ part).

In short, a ‘YES…if’ community is a positive place, one that pushes the negative atmosphere to the back room.

To the individual citizen this would mean the opportunity to live in a positive place as well as the ability to voice concerns about a proposal in an upbeat way. It also means having the ability to offer constructive suggestions designed to alleviate concerns.

To the community it would mean a positive atmosphere in which to live and take pride. It would also show our youth that the path to success is shorter when we take an encouraging stance. Please remember and accept that change is the one thing we cannot and should not fear as it is as inevitable as it is needed in this ever changing world. It also cannot and should not be processed without a vibrant and positive community’s input.

To the rest of the world it would show that Rossland is ready and willing to consider and help anyone who might be interested in assisting us to meet the future. The world would see that we are willing for them to join us to help keep this exceptionally beautiful place exceptionally beautiful. In other words, it would be great marketing!

If anyone out there is interested in pursuing this philosophy further, just post a comment to this article or email and we will plan a get together to chat and develop it further. Who knows where it might go?

‘YES …if’. Please think about it with an open and positive attitude.

Tim Lapointe is a Rossland business owner.

Categories: BusinessGeneralOp/Ed

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