

Knotweed Infestations = Higher Taxes and Lower Property Values

Dumping of knotweed cuttings just spreads the problem -- they can take root.  Knotweed and other noxious weeds are accepted free of charge at landfills -- so please take your cuttings there; don't spread knotweed infestations around the countryside. Invasive knotweed has been accurately described as the plant that is eating...

Communities in Bloom partners with Cancer Society to create Garden of Hope

The daffodil is more than a simple flower. It’s a bright and hopeful symbol for people living with cancer. It says no one has to face cancer alone, and it promises we won’t give up until cancer is defeated. We celebrate the “power of the flower” all year round – Please help support the Castlegar Communities in Bloom (CIB) and...

Aboriginal elders provide broader understanding at Selkirk College

Wisdom and perspective from regional Aboriginal Elders is now available to Selkirk College students through a new program at the Gathering Place on the Castlegar Campus. In late-September, the Elders Program was launched at a gathering that included individuals from around the region who joined with Selkirk College students...

Free firewood permits ensure wood is cut legally

During these cool autumn evenings, many British Columbians are starting to light their fireplaces or wood stoves to help keep their homes warm. However, people who cut or use firewood must ensure that it was harvested legally. Before collecting firewood please obtain a firewood permit to ensure that your firewood collection...

City of Trail phone lines down, repair underway right now

City of Trail phone lines continue to malfunction today, according to communications coordinator Andrea Jolly. "The service provider is here right now, trying to fix the problem," she said, adding there may be other organizations experiencing service issues. "We do have alternate phone numbers, and we'll keep everyone updated...

Public meeting set to determine fate of multi-million dollar Grohman Narrows project

The fate of a multi-million dollar project to improve one of the region’s main waterways hangs in the hands of the people it serves. BC Hydro will be hosting an open house to review the findings from a number of studies related to the potential improvements at Grohman Narrows and is asking for feedback from the public. The ...

Illegal drugs see three Castlegarians arrested

Three Castlegar residents have been arrested after a search warrant revealed a variety of illegal drugs yesterday, according to RCMP Staff Sgt. Leanne Tuchscherer "On Oct. 15, the Castlegar and Trail Crime Reduction Unit executed a search warrant ...under the authority of the Controlled Drugs and Substance Act," she said. "A...

Selkirk College Saints Hockey Program Boasts 10 Academic All Stars

 The Selkirk College Saints hockey program has been the British Columbia Intercollegiate Hockey League (BCIHL) gold standard over the last three seasons, but the team’s dominance doesn’t end on the ice. As the 2015-2016 BCIHL regular season gets started, the league released its Academic Excellence Award winners. The awards ...

Unprecedented turn-out in Kootenay advanced federal voting

Friday and Monday represented the two busiest advanced voting days in Canadian history, according to Elections Canada – and the Kootenays did their part. The Kootenay-Columbia riding saw 14,899 voters take advantage of early voting, compared to just 7,237 in 2011. Our own riding of South Okanagan-West Kootenay is a new one,...

Let's Vote for Values that Make Canada Great

By David Suzuki When my grandparents arrived from Japan in the early 1900s, Canada was far less tolerant than it is today.  Women and minorities couldn’t vote, nor could Indigenous people who had lived here from time immemorial.  In 1942, the government took away my Canadian-born family’s property and rights and sent us to ...

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