

COLUMN: From the Hill -- Parliament Inches Forward on Death with Dignity Legislation

In Parliament we take up and debate issues from across the spectrum, from the relatively simple to the most serious of topics. Recently one of the most serious issues in a long time came before us: Physician-Assisted Dying. On February 6, 2015 the Supreme Court unanimously ruled in the Carter case, finding that Canadians who...

Ministry aware of the Western Toad’s precarious situation; ensures responsible logging practices near Summit Lake

Logging operations near Summit Lake have many Nakusp residents and biologists concerned about the impact on the Western Toad. The toads are listed as a species of concern on the provincial Yellow list, meaning that while not endangered, populations are in decline in certain areas. “Western Toads are relatively common in most...

OPINION: Study Shows Promise for Cannabidiol Treatment of Epilepsy

Medical research on the potential benefits of treatment with cannabidiol (CBD) is beginning to show results.  A presentation to the U.S. Senate Caucus on International  Narcotics Control in June of 2015, by Nora D. Volkow, Director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, pointed out,  "Rigorous clinical studies are still...

LETTER: Community Pride

What a great town we live in -  thanks especially to some of our young people who seem to be taking on the world – acting locally AND globally!  Over the past few days I’ve heard about so many impressive initiatives taking place, that I thought I’d write to acknowledge just a few of the recent achievements of Rossland’s youth....

Province denies Wildlife Defence League claims

It’s Year Two of British Columbia's controversial wolf cull and questions have been raise regarding the techniques used by the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations (FLNRO). The tactic in question is something the BC-based conservation organization, Wildlife Defence League (WDF) is calling a “Judas Wolf”....

Local students raise funds for refugees

Students from the RSS and J.L.Crowe Interact Club met on Wednesday, Feb. 24 with Christine DeMarco, of the West Kootenay Friends of Refugees (WKFoR).  Ms DeMarco, who taught several of these students as kindergarteners, described  the work of the WKFoR and gave an update on the two families who have been sponsored so far....

City Crews Repair Leaking Water Pipes, Rusted Valves on Spokane Street

 By:  Hanne Smith Repairs to the water pipe under Spokane Street were completed on Wednesday Feb 24,  one week after the initial break was discovered.    On Thursday Feb 18, a break was discovered in the Spokane Street water pipe, located on the steep section of Spokane  between 1st and 2nd Avenues.  City workers made temporary...

OPINION: GMOs -- A Balanced View

History of Gene Manipulation "Genetically Modified Organisms" is an area that abounds with skepticism, suspicion and fear. The mere mention of genetic modification is enough to give a substantial portion of the population the 'heebie jeebies".  They have been a source of controversy since the biotechnology was introduced in...

Snowfall Warning called for higher elevation highways

March appears to be arriving like a lion, especially on highways at higher elevations. Marc Dale, Yellowhead Road & Bridge Ltd. Operations Manager for the Southeast Kootenay region said there is a Snowfall Warning for highway passes. "It looks like old man winter is still with us," Dale said. "We have a Snowfall warning...

UPDATED: Coun. Butler found originally in 'Conflict of Interest;' To stay on council

The Honourable Mr. Justice Greyell of the British Columbia Supreme Court ruled today in the City’s application to have the office of Councillor Julia Butler declared vacant on the basis that she contravened sections 100 and 101 of the Community Charter. In his Reasons for Judgment, Justice Greyell held that, while Councillor...

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