

Olaus'll be coming round the mountain when he comes—and Norwegian dignitaries too

The official unveiling of the Olaus Jeldness statue is planned for the Friday night (Jan. 25) of the 116th annual Rossland Winter Carnival, immediately after the parade—and the city recently set about drafting invitations for Norwegian notables to attend. Coun. Kathy Wallace raised the plans at the Oct. 9 council meeting: "I...

Christmas already? City plans to light up downtown life this December

Rossland council authorized the purchase of 40 new 4.5 foot diameter top-mount Christmas lights—or "winter" lights as the mayor preferred to call them—for the new street lamps on Columbia Ave. and Washington St. to First Ave. Rossland previously had 30 snowflake lights, but the manager of operations, Darrin Albo, wrote to...

Be a scout, guide, a gymnast, a hockey star, a...recycler?

The 2nd Rossland Scouting group is trying to see if there are more youth out there, interested in joining the Scout group.  It is open to boys and girls ages 11-14 years of age.  Please check out the Scouts Canada website at www.scouts.ca.  The organizers are looking for youth interested in learning new skills and having fun...

New heritage signage in town

Two new interpretative spots have recently been created in Rossland to mark sites significant to Rossland’s early years when it was Canada’s largest gold mining center.   The first one is located beside the Wagon Road on a viewpoint above the Redstone subdivision.  The title of the signage  reads, “The Historic Trail Creek ...

LEGENDS AND TALES OF THE MOUNTAIN KINGDOM: Patrick Burns, cattle king of the Kootenays

With the influx of new people setting up homes and businesses in the burgeoning city of Rossland during the second half of the 1890s, people had to get fed somehow. They couldn’t just rely on local game and huckleberries, after all. Luckily, as soon as the boom started, commerce came quickly to the Golden City, and with it ...

Kootenay Kannibelles bring fun and games to the Koots

The West Kootenays’ All Star roller derby team, the Kootenay Kannibelles, are going to the Canadian national championships in early 2013, having finished second at the westerns tournament in 2012. As part of their fundraising efforts, they have teamed up with local game show company “The Price Is Jeopardy Or No Deal Of Fortune” for […]

A Tour of Old Mining Town Halls brings the wildly entertaining ‘Maria in the Shower’ back to Rossland

The four piece jazzy old time band ‘Maria in the Shower’ returns to Rossland on Saturday, October 13 to boogie down in the Rossland Miners’ Hall. Maria in the Shower is a uniquely entertaining band at the leading edge of Canada’s new folk sound. Their musical approach is a simple but potent alchemy, marrying traditional folk...

The heart of a valley comes to Rossland Public Library

The history of the Slocan Valley is synonymous with the people who have travelled through it, enjoyed its abundant resources and built their homes and communities there. Rita Moir, who has made her home in the valley since 1975, is one of those people. Moir presents her beautiful book of image and essay, The Third Crop: A...

Brrr...skating at the arena has begun!

The Rossland Arena is now open and Public Skating has begun!  If you’re interested in getting on the ice, Public Skating is on Wednesdays from 6:30-7:45pm, Fridays from 5:00-6:30pm, Sundays from 2:30-4:00pm and again on Sunday evening from 6:00-7:30pm.  Rental skates are available for $2.00 if you don’t have your own.   The...

Local police dog taking retirement

This happy-go-lucky chocolate brown labrador turned in his long leash and protective vest this August, marking nine years of dedicated service with the BC RCMP as a drug sniffing dog. Otis was posted to the Southeast District Traffic Services between 2003 to 2012, working the corridor highways of the Interior region of BC. Otis worked […]

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