

Todd Smee Film Festival: Selkirk College alumnus returns home

Todd Smee, who grew up in Castlegar, has been making films since he was a young kid, and has always had a passion for filmmaking.  Former Selkirk College English student, Todd transferred his Selkirk College course credits from the School of University Arts and Sciences (UAS) towards an Associate Degree in Film from the...

RSS's annual 'spooktacular' show is coming this Tuesday--buy tickets now!

The Rossland Secondary School's Drama Department is eerily pleased to present to you its annual Fright Night Spooktacular! It sells out every year so you are encouraged to buy your blood-soaked tickets well in advance. For those who aren't familiar with the terrifying premise, your tour group is guided through the House of ...

BC Historian, Cole Harris, lectures at the Mir Centre for Peace

The Mir Centre for Peace at Selkirk College and Allan Markin is please to host Dr. Cole Harris, a BC historian and geographer, whose lecture is entitled: BC Aboriginal Land Claims:  Lessons Learned and Future Prospects.Harris was born and raised in New Denver and is now retired after some forty years of teaching at the University […]

CBT Youth Advisory Committee welcomes new members

The Youth Advisory Committee (YAC) is a group of involved youth from around the Columbia Basin who provide advice to Columbia Basin Trust (CBT) and a youth perspective on a variety of issues facing today’s youth. Members­—called YACers—commit to a one-year term and have an opportunity to meet, work and travel with a group of […]

OP/ED: Halloween become a whole new kind of scary

It’s almost Halloween! Yay! I have always been a Halloween fan; I love the decorations, the pumpkin carving, and the plethora of bite-sized chocolates, but there is one thing that really gets my goat when it comes to this spooky season – it is impossible to find a women’s costume that isn’t oozing with sex. […]

Winning banner entries announced

As a follow up to our recent Call For Artists- Tourism Rossland is pleased to announce that the following artists submitted winning pieces in our recent call for artists: Jenny Baillie Charlene Barnes Louise Drescher Stephanie Gauvin The Board of Tourism Rossland had the difficult job of picking only 7 pieces from the 58 which...

Work out...with the Duke of Edinburgh?

Hey Teens and parents of Teens!  If you’re looking for a unique opportunity that focuses on experiences, skills, life experiences and fun, consider the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award.  The award is the world’s leading achievement award for young people - bringing together practical experiences and life skills to...

The gloves are off as Rossland Reads 2012 kicks off

Last night, the first of three meetings between the Rossland Reads debaters was held in an effort to have their book voted “Rossland Reads 2012 Champion”.  The rules have been decided upon and are as such: Our fabulous moderator, Jennifer, will introduce the defenders and they’ll have an opportunity to give a 30 second...

Comment on Source Facebook nets reader a conversation with cops

A comment posted on Facebook has earned the author a conversation with police, according to Castlegar RCMP Sgt. Laurel Mathew. The comment was in reference to a story posted on the Castlegar Source Facebook page about a Sunflower City man convicted of criminal charges, and openly threatened the man named in the story. Source editor […]

OP/ED: Using social media as a 9-1-1 stand in should increase the number of Darwin Award recipients

Usually, I’m in line with public opinion, in keeping with the democratic values that drive my very profession. But a recent Ipsos Reid poll conducted on behalf of the Canadian Red Cross just crosses the line for me – away from public opinion and into public hysteria or public stupidity, I can’t decide which. Apparently, about […]

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