
COUNCIL MATTERS: Rossland City Council meetings, July 8, 2024

Sara Golling
By Sara Golling
July 9th, 2024

A new, improved crematorium in the works; Rossland to receive funding of ~$250,000 annually from Community Building Fund; the Second Avenue lane question; try to win the “ugliest lawn” contest!

PRESENT: Mayor Andy Morel and Councillors Stewart Spooner, Craig Humpherys, Eliza Boyce, Maya Provençal, Jeff Weaver and Lisa Kwiatkowski.

Staff: CAO Bryan Teasdale, Executive Assistant Rachel Newton, Chief Financial Officer Mike Kennedy, City Planner Stacey Lightbourne, Manager of Operations and Infrastructure Scott Lamont.


To consider an application to rezone the property at 2253 Washington Street from C-3 Commercial Resort Accommodation to C-1 Commercial, to allow for a medical office in addition to the existing accommodation. Teasdale said that the City had received two written submissions, but he did not reveal whether they were supportive or opposed. No attendees spoke, and Morel closed the public hearing.



Six residents spoke up opposing the proposed permanent closure of the access from Second Avenue to the lane below it, and submitted a petition with 23 signatures. Property owners who had donated a portion of their land to the City to make the access safer were particularly upset, and queried the reasons for the proposed closure.

Later in the meeting, Lamont explained that the engineering firm working on the Second Avenue infrastructure replacement project had identified the access as a safety hazard, and had pointed out that in the event of an accident, the City could face the expense of legal liability.

Residents pointed out that closing the end of the lane – the access – could result in other safety hazards by restricting access by firetrucks and ambulances; one man said that he had spoken to a member of the fire department who had expressed concerns about the planned closure.

Discussions are ongoing; the residents are seeking better communication with the City.


Zoning Amendment Bylaw # 2389 – 932 Redstone Drive

Council discussed this application and gave the bylaw first and second readings at the previous Council meeting. A motion for third reading, and a further motion for adoption, subject to the condition that the applicant design and install any required infrastructure according to City of Rossland specifications, CARRIED unanimously.


Development Variance Permit – 2145 Queen Street

The applicant seeks an interior side setback variance from 1.2 metres to .93 metres, to allow the owner to add a second storey over a portion of the home that already encroaches on the side setback allowance. The owner plans to build the partial second storey with a flat roof, to prevent snow from sliding onto the neighbouring property as it does now with the current sloping roof, though the flat-roofed addition will not cover the entire home, but will abut the remaining, sloping areas of roof and dormers. A motion to allow the variance CARRIED unanimously.

Development Permit Application – 2253 Washington Street

This application is for new façade siding, and new windows, doors and signage, which will improve the appearance of the building and bring it closer to its original look. A motion to approve the application CARRIED unanimously.

Development Variance Permit – 2855 Highway 3-B (Lot A)

The application is for an interior setback variance from 1.8 metres to zero metres, and for a parcel coverage variance from 60% to 75%, to enable replacement of the old crematorium at the Trail Cemetery (which is within the City of Rossland) and the addition of a space to allow families to gather. A motion to allow the variance CARRIED unanimously.

2024 – 2034 Canada Community Building Fund Agreement

This agreement replaces the 2014 – 2024 agreement, and requires Council to authorize, by resolution, the City’s Mayor and Chief Administrative Officer to sign the agreement before funding for the year can be released to the City. According to the agreement, Rossland will receive funding from the Canada Community Building Fund (formerly called the Gas Tax Fund) according to a formula that is expected to provide Rossland with approximately $250,000 annually; the agreement specifies the types of expenditures eligible for use of the funds. A motion to provide the necessary authority CARRIED unanimously.

2023 City of Rossland Annual Report

Rossland’s annual report, chock-full of information about the City and its operations, is available for examination at:


Boyce thanked staff for the high quality of the report; Morel said that it’s a useful and interesting document, and expressed regret that so few people outside of Council and City staff actually read through it.

A motion to approve the report CARRIED unanimously.

Municipal Cheque Register Report for June, 2024

A motion to approve the report CARRIED unanimously.

For Information Only: Council perused the following reports, presented for information to Council and interested members of the public, who can easily find them in the materials for this meeting at the City’s website. Your reporter did not find any “click-bait” revelations in these reports.

Second-quarter 2024 Budget Update

2024 Corporate Work Plan – Second Quarter Progress Report

In addition to those major updates, Council perused the six regular monthly reports:

Building Permits

Building Permit Inspections by Type

Step Code Energy Rebates

Public Works and Water Production

Eye on Water

Bylaw Compliance.

Boyce said she was excited to see that people can have a free “Water Smart” assessment and pointed out that Rossland is having an “ugliest lawn” contest this year: on that contest, here’s a capture from the City’s website (sic):


Weaver reported that the Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital is working toward, and will have, a permanent MRI unit, probably in about two years.

Boyce commented that she appreciated the resident input on the issue of the access to the Second Avenue lane. It was at this point that Lamont explained the rationale for planning the closure (see above)

Humpherys reported that he had attended the 20th anniversary celebration of the école des Sept-sommets and ate cake.

Morel thanked the Council members – Boyce, Provençal, and Kwiatkowski – who had helped with the Canada Day celebrations, where the line-ups for cake were impressive. He said he had attended a meeting of the regional mayors and directors, to discuss opportunities for mutually beneficial regional collaboration.

He said that work is continuing on the “low level crossing” – that is, a border crossing at Waneta that could accommodate truck traffic, which would reduce truck traffic through downtown Rossland, and would also reduce trucking expenses and greenhouse gas emissions.

Morel also reported that Teck has received all regulatory approvals necessary for the sale of its remaining 77% interest in the Elk Valley Resources steel-making coal business, for approximately 9.5 billion dollars (Canadian). He noted that he had toured the Teck zinc plant with other members of the RDKB.

He also announced that the RDKB has a well-qualified new Chief Financial Officer, Farhad Hossain.

At 6:43 PM, the meeting recessed to an in camera session, and your reporter made her way home, wondering if a property with no dedicated lawn area might be eligible for the “ugliest lawn” contest.

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