Trail RCMP sees staffing changes
On June 26, 2019, Corporal Steve McKeddie joined the Trail and Greater District Detachment RCMP as the third operational supervisor. Corporal McKeddie has 16 years of service and transferred to Trail from the Langley Detachment. Corporal McKeddie has also served with the RCMP overseas in a South Sudan UN Mission and at the Burnaby Detachment RCMP. Corporal McKeddie came to Trail, BC, to pursue rural policing and to enjoy all the Kootenays has to offer.
Constable Ben Smith arrived from Depot (RCMP basic training) in Regina approximately six months ago and has been a welcome addition to the Trail and Greater District Detachment RCMP. Constable Smith has successfully completed his Recruit Field Training as of mid-July 2019. Constable Smith moved from Ontario to our area to begin his career with the RCMP.
Constable Chris Channing arrived from Depot approximately three months ago and has been the most recent and welcome addition to the Trail and Greater District Detachment RCMP. Constable Channing returned home to the West Kootenay after completed his RCMP basic training.
In July 2019, Constable Scott Galbraith transferred to the Kugaaruk Detachment, in Nunavut, after accepting a promotion to Corporal as the Detachment Commander. (no photo available)
In August 2019, Constable Mike Flewelling will be transferring to the Sanikilauq Detachment, in Nunavut, after accepting a lateral job offer at this two-man post.
Const. Smith