The ski hill version of speed dating is amost here again; 'skied dating'
By Tara Kowalchuk, “Skied Dating” Founder
Are you single? Do you love to ski or snowboard? Are you looking for a new way to meet people? Skied Dating, happening Feb. 8 at RED Mountain Resort, and Feb. 11 at Whitewater Ski Resort, is the event for you!
Skied Dating arose in answer to the challenges of dating in a small town, and dating in general. How do I meet people? Will we have enough to talk about? What if we have nothing in common? Does he/she want to see me again? All those questions are taken care of. We provide the venue for meeting, your “date” is a ride up the lift so you already know you both like to ski/board, and if all else fails you can talk about the snow. At the end of the date you fill out a form and check off who you would or would not like to see again. We let you know via email if you have any matches and then it’s up to you to take it from there. And if you don’t want to see them again, we handle that moment for you, and save you an awkward conversation.
“There have been some successful relationships come out of the event over the past few years,” says Tara Kowalchuk, Skied Dating Founder. “I hope we can continue this trend and help more people find love!” This will be the fourth year that Skied Dating has run at RED Mountain Resort, and the second year at Whitewater. We are going to shake things up a bit at RED this year and run the event during night skiing. “I’m excited for the change this year,” says Kowalchuk, “Night time seems fitting for a dating event, and with the shorter runs on the T-bar it will give people a chance to go on more mini-dates.”
Both events will also feature post-ski minglers for participants to head inside, warm up with a drink, and chat with people they may not have had a chance to ride the lift with. As well, any people who “match” will be entered in a draw to win a date donated by local restaurants so they can continue to get to know each other. At Whitewater the date has been donated by Coal Oil Johnny’s and at RED by Fuel Gastropub.
“It is great to be able to continue Skied Dating at both resorts,” says Kowalchuk. “It helps expand the dating pool in our communities and gives people a chance to meet other skiers/boarders they may never interact with if it wasn’t for the event.” To encourage people to take part at both events we are offering discount registration fees- $10/ event, or $15 to do both. This cost does not include a lift pass, though both resorts offer reciprocal discounts for season pass holders from the other.
We are asking people to pre-register if possible. You can pre-register by contacting Tara at or at or by visiting Guest Services at the resorts. There is also day-of registration from 11:30am-12:30pm at Whitewater, and 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm at RED.
Take a chance and give Skied Dating a try, with any luck you’ll never have to stand in the lift line yelling “Single!” again!