
Parents and students take over l'ecole

Genevieve Fortin
By Genevieve Fortin
June 26th, 2014

Under good weather and even better company, students and parents from L’école des Septs-sommets gathered one last time this past Thursday. The Parent Advisory Council decided to carry on with their plans of offering its annual BBQ and potluck dinner, for the first time held at the school’s new location.

Gratefully, the principal Marie-Josée Beaulieu was able to facilitate the demands of such an event and went beyond the call of duty. Our amazing teachers also demonstrated great care in providing an impromptu last day for the students on June 13th.

One teacher even came in to school on her day off to help her colleague send the students home with warm farewells and all their belongings! Our teachers are really made of gold!

Nevertheless, students had worked hard to create, learn and present songs and dances for the year end show. Nadine Tremblay had done amazing work with them and they were very eager to present to their parents as the year-end approached, and when it came, it was very anti-climatic.

We wanted to help bring our children closure on this amazing year and use the BBQ as the venue. The stars aligned and nearly all students participated in this impromptu show. The rap was amazingly created by all the students and interpreted together!

In addition,the kindergarten and grade 1 class presented their sweet dance and the 4-5-6 grades showed-off in Bollywood style! Boys and girls participated with enthusiasm and it made me want to join them!

When asked, Madame Martine said she didn’t have to convince the boys
to dance, she said that “I asked them to learn the dance, but I told them I would not ask them to dance in front of an audience, but they did it!”

Bravo! You really are all amazing and quality students!

Rossland, we wish you all beautiful summer holidays! Teachers, students, support staff and parents, we all deserve them! Bon été!


We are looking for Francophone families interested in French daycare in Rossland. The children need to have parents/guardians that either have French as their first language, learned French in a francophone school or has an excellent mastery of the French language. If you have questions or to express interest, please contact Marie-Josée at mariejosee_beaulieu@csf.bc.ca.

Please spread the word!

Geneviève Fortin is the secretary for the P.A.C.

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