
Former MacLean Elementary to be sold to French School District for $1 million

Arlen MacLaine
By Arlen MacLaine
October 31st, 2013

The way has been paved for the purchase of the former MacLean Elementary School by the French School District.  A bylaw concerning the purchase was given first and second reading by School District 20’s board on October 21.  The purchase will satisfy both parties, as School District 20 needed to replenish some their funds that were depleted during the conversion of RSS to a K-9 school, and the French School District 93 has been looking at moving into a more suitable building for some time now.

“We were in a building that was not set up to be a school and were running out of space,” said Sylvain Allison, Secretary Treasurer for School District 93.  “Ever since we opened Ecole des  Sept-Sommets, we’ve been looking at other, more suitable locations.  Since School District 20 was trying to sell, we were hopeful that we could get an agreement.  We also feel that the French School District should be able to provide the same services and amenities as the anglophone district.”

The funding for the purchase by French School District 93, which is a province-wide district, is provided by the provincial government.  This year, Ecole des Sept-Sommets had an enrolment of 47 students, and has enjoyed a steady increase in enrolment every year since the school opened.  The building that currently houses Ecole des Sept-Sommets, the old Drill Hall, was being leased from SD 20, by SD 93, so now the future of that building has to be decided.

“We’re hoping that with the new facility we’ll be able to attract more eligible students from around the area,” said Allison.  “Right now the plan is to move in and see what is needed, and then we’ll most likely go to the City and discuss the best way to utilize the space that will not be used by Ecole des Sept-Sommets.”

Allison added that the French School District 93 would like to thank School District 20 for their work in facilitating the purchase.

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