UPGRADE UPDATE: Finishing touches begin...
Now that the road is paved and the sidewalks poured, we are now into the final weeks of finishing touches on Columbia Ave.
Lines are scheduled to be painted on the asphalt mid-week. The inset paver tiles will continue to appear, as will greenery. More trees will be arriving Wednesday.
The pavers will be grouted with a polymer-based silicone grout, leveling out the surface of the tiles and completing the look.
Harry Lefevre Square will start to shape up this week. The electrical components we were waiting for have arrived and been installed.
A crane is arriving on October 15th to carefully reposition the cenotaph. We will also start to see street lights and bus-stops appearing next week. The granite has been cut for benches and they will be installed in the next two weeks.
Columbia will be substantially completed by the 27th.
The paving of Washington St. is scheduled for October 15th. The sidewalks will follow.
The date for the grand opening main event has been set at October 27, and a Rossland community photo will be taken mid-afternoon. Please mark the date on your calendars to be downtown for 2:15 pm, October 27 to participate in this historical photo opportunity.
There are many fun ideas in the works and it will be a great party, but we will need many more volunteers to help pull it off, particularly on the day of the event itself. If you would like to volunteer, please contact us at columbiaproject@rossland.ca or call Renee at the Rossland Chamber of Commerce at 250-362-5666. We encourage local businesses and anyone who is interested to become involved in this exciting occasion.
Feel free to visit Mayor Granstrom Mondays from 10:30-11:30am at City Hall. To see graphics portraying the end-goal of this construction project, please take a look at the video display in the window of Rossland ProHardware, or watch them on the City of Rossland website at http://www.rossland.ca/columbiawashington-construction-updates.
Please contact us at columbiaproject@rossland.ca with your comments, concerns, ideas, or questions. The telephone number for technical questions and concerns is 250-362-2328.