
Who's laughing now? Michael passes the JHC torch as Janet and Terry skip town

Andrew Bennett
By Andrew Bennett
June 16th, 2012

The Joe Hill Coffeehouse lives and breathes under new leadership this Sunday. The venerable audio master Chuck Cram and the masterful music venerator Michael Gifford can finally take a seat in the audience.

The musical heart of Rossland also throbs a little harder at word that Janet and Terry Marshall have found a lovely house in Kaslo and will be leaving their artful gardens and broad swath of friends behind.

That means this Sunday is the last we’ll see Pickled Thistle as a hometown act. Next time they’ll be on tour.

(And a couple of Janet’s students will also serenade the crowd, among the many talents that will be on display.)

Janet and Terry were part of that original crew back in 1983 when Michael and others first pulled it all together. The Marshalls had just moved to town and were staying with Angela Price in her famous B&B.

A couple evenings ago I sat down with the pair while they regaled me with stories. These folks have a real zest for life and gusto for music, which they play often, well, and with everybody.

One day, hopefully soon, I’ll get some of their stories down for all to read, and maybe dig out even more, but for now they’ve been added to the list of Rossland greats-on-tape who I’ve yet to write up—folks like Cookie L’ecluse and Rino the Legend…

One day.

In the meantime, we dug up some photos of thanks for Michael and photos of farewell for Janet and Terry.

Sorry Chuck, you behind-the-scenes guys are tough to find in the archives! And as Michael so often points out, many people make the Joe Hill Coffeehouse happen—perhaps too many to photograph!

As usual on the third Sunday of the month, the Miner’s Hall will be stacked with talent and packed with people from 7 p.m. on. It’s $3, free for kids.

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