The Year in News: March 2010
February’s news was centered around KBRH as ground zero in the ongoing debate between surgeons and IH over potential operating room cuts at the hostpital.
Mar -11 INTERVIEW: Dr. Andre De Greef – The doctors strike back
The ongoing disagreement over potential operating room cuts at KBRH after months of behinds the scenes posturing and negotiating spilled over into the media as national networks picked up on the brewing battle between Interior Health and KBRH surgeons. The Telegraph sat down with Dr. Andre De Greef, Head of Surgery at KBRH to discuss the situation and the doctor’s offer of paying for their own nurses to maintain service levels.
“If they ignore us, then we’ll have to break the system. Then out of the ashes something else will rise. We don’t want to go that far, though; it’s not necessary to go that far. They don’t want it to look as if they are giving in, but there is a right way to make it a win-win–and that is together at the negotiation table,” Dr Andre De Greef
Mar 18th INTERVIEW: Frank Marino of Interior Health responds to surgeons
A week after interviewing KBRH’s head of surgery the Telegraph chatted with Frank Marino of Interior Health for his response to the doctor’s suggestion of paying for their own nurses.
“The reality is that we have to sit down together and say, ‘here are our resources–how do we make it work and what is the plan for this year and the years after?’. That’s really what it all comes down to. You can never satisfy anyone in terms of OR and nursing time that we have. It’s always a balance of what resources do we have and what services can we provide. If it was just a simple answer than it would have been solved years ago.” Frank Marino