
I'd want to know

By actnow
December 28th, 2010

Being a seasoned traveler, it is always a surprise to find another amazing Canadian destination. Here on Red Mountain, above Rossland and surrounded by beautiful British Columbia, it is amazing. A real beauty.

I am writing in today not only to acknowledge this beautiful place but also to report on the difficulties that our group experienced with Red Mountain Resort Lodging (Red Reservations). Being the last of our party of four to book reservations -I was shocked upon arrival to find that the rest of our party was charged $1,350.00 per month but our rent had been raised to $2,450.00 per month!
Red Mountain Reservations then required a $1000.00 non refundable deposit – which no one else from our party was charged… The insanity of the situation was that since we had just arrived, it was too late to break from our group and find lodgings elsewhere.
It became apparent that the charge had changed once they found we where all together and planning to stay for a while. The company would not budge in making it fair for all of us.

Surely the Owner wouldn’t want their management company to be cold and rude in turning away potential renters… (It seemed even more outrageous since it was in the ‘off season’ and the resort was very quiet, practically empty! ) Owners should be made aware of how their properties are being handled,presented,represented and/or sold by Red Mountain Reservations.
I would definitely want to know!
Luckily we contacted a wonderful woman from another local Property Management company – Lifestyle Properties – She found us a much better, larger and more luxurious condo for the same amount we originally agreed to. They accommodated us where Red Reservations should have but didn’t. We ended up staying 2 full months! Thanks to Lifestyle properties, we enjoyed every moment of it. Yours truly, Mr. Smith- Unionminded.
P.S. Since I met another owner who had fired Red Reservations for their poor attitude and management, it only convinced me further in revealing to others, owners and renters alike the true nature of Red Reservations.

This review was submitted to
Trip Advisor
The Rossland Telegraph

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